10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Invite you to consult 10 studies of psychology about the love that all people in love should know in the article below!

  1. 13 simple facts about relationships you may not know
  2. 6 things that seem negative but prove that they love you very much
  3. Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Love is a risk of a person who can risk taking and holding and then being knocked down into the abyss or maybe, they will dig for themselves a hole, only after they stabilize their emotions. bear crawling to the ground.

How can we really define love? Even an experienced person cannot understand and explain what is the best and deepest definition of love. The concept of love is a non-ending story about life experiences. But true love is in our hearts, the place where the memories of the soul are kept.

Love means giving others the right to break their hearts, but we always believe that the person will not do so.

The West has quotations:

' Love không hợp lệ trong gazing trong mỗi khác, nhưng trong khi tìm thấy bên ngoài với nhau ở cùng hướng . - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Temporarily translated: ' Love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction. '

Since the two people started to notice each other until they were old, here are 10 psychological studies of the love that all people in love should know .

1. It takes about 1/5 second to fall in love with someone

Picture 1 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

You will lose about 1/5 of a second to reach a state of euphoria - substances in the brain start to work when looking at someone special.

Studies of brain images of love show that up to 12 different regions of the brain respond. When you look or think about the person you love, these areas will release a cocktail of nerve impulses including oxytocin, dopamine, vasopressin and adrenaline. At that time your brain will be like being " drunk " when smoking opium.

2. Brain map of love and desire

Picture 2 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

The first study of human neurology when love and sexual desire showed similarities and differences.

Research results show that many similar neurons are activated when we love and have sexual desire.
Activated areas are areas that involve emotions, motivation and complex thoughts.

According to emotional psychology, sexual desire is not only a low-level emotion but also a motivation to achieve goals and a selection of complex thoughts.

Love also builds on that circuit, but only in a key area on which this area is often related to balancing high-level and low-level functions.

See also: Signs to recognize the 3 types of people who are most easily afflicted

3. Kiss helps us choose

Picture 3 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Two recent studies show that besides seducing the other, kissing can also help us choose our subjects and preserve their relationship.

In a survey conducted shows that women especially value kissing. But for those who have had many relationships in both sexes, the kiss is seen as an important step to test your audience.

Of course, kissing is not only important at the beginning of the relationship, but it also plays a role in maintaining that relationship.

Researchers have found a correlation between the number of kisses couples have been together for a long time with the quality of their relationship.

The relationship much and satisfy the demand in the relationship does not have this relationship.

4. Couples look the same after 25 years together

Picture 4 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Those who live side by side for about 25 years will develop similar features on their faces .

According to an emotional psychology study, many different observers found that married couples living and cohabiting after 25 years will have similar facial features.

This may be because they have the same diet, live in the same environment, have the same personality or even the result of sympathizing with their mate for many years together.

5. Love can happen completely

Picture 5 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Contrary to what we often think, according to recent research, love is far from possible .

Two factors that help maintain the lovers' love are:

  1. Sharing intimate information, messages of love and interest;
  2. Have an ideal view of your lover.

The results show that the emotional relationships with this geographical distance also have the same level of satisfaction and stability as couples close together.

6. 4 elements kill a relationship

Picture 6 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Professor of Psychology John Gottman has more than 40 years of research on emotional psychology. He followed couples over the decades with many psychological studies aimed at finding predictable behaviors whether they would continue their relationship.

According to Professor John Gottman, there are four factors that kill a relationship: repeated criticism, showing contempt as sarcasm, precaution and distance, there are times when there is absolutely no communication. Come on.

7. Modern marriage requires full "me"

Picture 7 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

According to recent research, modern marriage concept has changed completely after many years . In the past, marriage was to give each other a sense of security and stability, but now in marriage they need spiritual integrity.

A lot of people expect marriage to be a journey to perfect yourself and satisfy your need to express yourself. Unfortunately, the current couples do not spend enough time and effort in this journey.

Scientist Eli Finkel , the author of the study, explained:

' In short, if you want marriage to help you stay true to yourself and grow up, you need to invest time and energy in your marriage. If you feel that even time and energy are not available, the most logical thing is to adjust your desire to minimize frustration . '

See also: Math proves: 26 years old is the best time to get married!

8. A simple exercise to save the marriage

Picture 8 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

If your emotional relationship needs a little love, there's no need for therapy, let's watch some movies for example.

A three-year study showed that the divorce rate decreased by more than half thanks to watching romantic movies and then discussing it.

According to the chairman of the project Ronald Rogge : " Couples know what is right; what is wrong in their relationship; so we do not need to show them how to reduce the divorce rate ." What you need to do is make them understand their current actions. Take advantage of the benefits of 5 great movies over 3 years .

9. Post-divorce relationship

Picture 9 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

Even when divorced, it is not necessary to completely cut off the relationship, especially when you have children. A study of child rearing after divorce shows that the relationship will go in 5 directions and the first 3 directions in 5 directions are considered to be relatively effective:

  1. The couple separated and the father would be absent;
  2. The perfect couple is when parents continue to be friends;
  3. Colleagues are when they both take another step but still play an important role in each other's lives;
  4. The angry couple is when the controversy continues after divorce;
  5. The hot enemies are when the children become shields to bear the consequences of the controversy.

10. Those are just small things

Picture 10 of 10 studies of love psychology you may not know

After all, we live in a commercial world so we all think that love can be bought and sold but remember that sometimes small things make a difference.

A study of emotional psychology carried out on more than 4,000 Britons shows that a small act of kindness is often the most treasured thing .

Bring to your bed with your partner a cup of tea, throw them away or tell them that they look so beautiful even if they don't wear anything, sometimes they mean more than a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers ( although things This also needs ).

' Once you realize that even if you are closest, there is still a gap, life next to each other will continue to grow. If they succeed in loving the gap between them - which can open a new horizon for each person '.

See also: 15 sayings that can kill your love

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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