10 effective SEO content checking tools

Duplicating content while doing SEO is not a rare thing. You can duplicate images, videos, especially article content many times on the same website or in many different websites. Therefore, to check if the content is neutral or not, use up to 10 free testing tools ...

While doing SEO, duplicating content is easy. It is possible to duplicate images, videos or article content on the same site or different websites. Previously, we helped you distinguish 6 types of duplicate content when doing SEO, such as duplicate due to tags, duplicate pages, .

And to be able to check if the content is duplicated, you will need professional tools. In this article, we will introduce you to 10 free tools to check duplicate content when doing SEO.

1. Small SEO Tool:

This SEO tool is completely free to check the copy of text content. The content will be checked carefully and this tool will show how many documents are displayed in other articles.

Picture 1 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

2. Copyscape:

Copyscape is the most popular tool for detecting unauthorized copying of online content (this tool is not completely free). Will it check for similar text components present on the Internet?

Picture 2 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

3. Plagium:

Plagium is a free and easy-to-use tool, the speed of this tool loads quite quickly. You can check the text URL (up to 5000 characters) or file.

Picture 3 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

4. Duplichecker:

Simply copy and paste or you can download text content ( .doc or .txt file ). You will get results with duplicate content that you need to check.

Picture 4 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

5. DMCA Scan:

DMCA Scan allows you to use only twice for free , this tool will help you find copied content, you can also ask DCMA to remove the copied content from your website.

Picture 5 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

6. Copygator:

Copygator is a free service that tracks your RSS feed webiste. This tool will find where your website posts are posted.

Picture 6 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

7. Plagiarisma:

With Plagiarisma, you can check the copy content with various forms of checking: website URL , article in text format, direct download file (format fpd, doc, docx, html).

Picture 7 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

8. Plagspotter:

Plagspotter is a free service that helps you keep track of copyrighted material on the global internet.

Picture 8 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

9. Dustball:

You can download word files directly to test, however Dustball tool allows you to check a article for free during the day. If you continue their service, you will need to pay a fee.

Picture 9 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

10. Article Checker:

This tool allows you to check for articles copied from other newspaper or webiste sites. This tool allows you to check on both Google and Yahoo.

Picture 10 of 10 effective SEO content checking tools

Refer to the following articles:

  1. 11 advanced search tips with Google
  1. Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 1)
  1. 12 free keyword analysis tools replace Google Keyword Tool

Hope this article is useful to you!

Update 25 May 2019


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