Do you know how to prevent website theft?
The issue of website content theft is becoming more serious. Many business bloggers have encountered this problem for some time. Sometimes, the content has changed a bit, sometimes a 'copy and paste' version. This is a painful problem for many people, so the following article will guide you how to 'anti-theft'.
One thing you need to be aware of is because all your content is on the Internet, so there is no absolute protection against intellectual property thieves. However, there are a few things you can do to interfere with content theft, making it more difficult for thieves.
Do you know how to prevent website theft? Picture 1
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Measures to prevent content theft
We still say 'Prevention is better than cure', so here are some tips to prevent thieves from stealing your content.
1. Determine the copyright clearly
You need to clearly define what you allow others to do for your content. Each visitor can find and view copyright terms quickly. Clear copyright may be as follows:
© Copyright [your full name] and [website name], [current year]. Unauthorized use of all or part of the content is prohibited without the written consent of the author. However, excerpts may be used if the source of the article is clearly stated: author's name, website name and link to the original article.
Do you know how to prevent website theft? Picture 2
You can set this license clause in the sidebar, because it's easy to see and can be accessed there. However, you can also place copyright links on the footer, redirecting interested viewers to a certain page.
2. Use a Creative Commons license
Similar to the previous measure, you can grant the right to use content to others. Creative Commons is one of the most popular free license providers in many versions. On the organization's website, you will find a licensing program, which allows you to create individual copyright licenses.
After creating a Creative Commons license, you should get the link back to the web page at the footer. For example it might look like this:
© Copyright [your full name] and [site name], [current year] - Link to license
3. Performing an RSS Feed only displays excerpts (excerpt)
Content theft often occurs through RSS feeds. All the thief needs to do is configure your website feed once and will always have your latest content on their site. So it would be useful to show only the snippet.
However, this type of prevention can cause disadvantages. Many users still want to read new blog content via RSS feeds. These users may be angry when only the snippet can be read, not the entire content.
Solution: Yoast SEO
To solve this problem you can use Yoast SEO. This SEO plugin allows you to make custom copyright notices in the feed. In this way, your copyright will be placed under every article that the thief steals and no need to display the excerpt.
4. Use Google to search website content
Your content may have been stolen without your knowledge. Content theft is common, so use Google and other search engines to search for text. Copy part of the content of your article, use it in quotes to search more accurately.
5. Protect images in posts
If there is no image, the article content is reduced to half. Therefore, you should protect your image from unauthorized use. A small section of the .htaccess file ensures that images cannot hotlink from your server to other blogs.
You can only use the images once downloaded and done in the previous posts.
# Hotlinking verbieten
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ $
## Deine Domain einfügen !!!!!!
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ Https: // (www.)? (/.*)? $ [NC]
RewriteRule. (Jpg | jpeg | gif || png) $ - [F]
6. Use Google Alerts
Do you know how to prevent website theft? Picture 3
For this Google service, you need a Google account. In the settings, you can choose which type of content is important to you. When that content appears anywhere, you will receive an email from Google.
7. Use Copyscape or Plagium
Copyscape is a useful online tool that helps you find copies of content quickly. The free version offers some basic functions, if you need more, you can pay to use the Pro version.
Plagium is another tool that allows you to find out if any articles on your site are stolen.
Measures after detecting stolen content
If all of these precautions do not prevent thieves from stealing your content, here are three options that may help you.
1. Send a notification to the thief
Find the content of the content thief and message them. Be friendly, but mention that you will use legal measures if the content is not immediately deleted and if the thief does not stop this theft.
2. Contact Google
You can also contact Google directly, requesting that copies be removed from the index.
Google responds to copyright claims under the US Copyright Protection Act (DMCA).
If you host your blog on, you can contact Automattic. That's the company behind WordPress. However, this only works with and is not a self-hosted version of
3. Inform the web host of the thief
If emailing the thief cannot solve the problem, the last way is to contact the thief's web host and it will notify him of your feedback. This is also very effective, you can easily find hosts with a simple whois query with the corresponding domain name.
Content theft will always be a problem and there is no 100% safety protection. We can't always stop stealing content, but we can monitor and take measures to make it more difficult to steal.
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