Windows Not Responding - Causes and solutions
Causes of computers and laptops with Windows Not Responding error:
- The computer has too low configuration or old hardware that does not meet the task needs.
- The computer is infected with a virus that makes the computer not work properly.
- Software and driver versions are too old to handle.
When working on computers and laptops, sometimes you will encounter a situation where you have performed the task but do not receive the processing results, the computer is stalled and not responding. What is the cause and fix of this Windows Not Responding error? Let's see how to fix Windows Not Responding error below.
1. Wait for Windows to handle the not responding error by itself
Windows will try to find a solution to the problem of slow response to commands or commands that have been sent but received no response from the system. So you can wait a few seconds for Windows to automatically correct the error and receive a response to the previous command.
Response time when fixing errors can last from tens of seconds to several minutes depending on the configuration and system of the machine.
In case you wait too long, you can turn off unused tasks so that Windows has space to process data faster.
2. Use Task Manager to turn off faulty software
Step 1: Right-click the taskbar at the bottom of the screen > Select Task Manager.
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Step 2: Select the Processes tab > Find and right-click the application that is crashing > Select End task to turn off this application.
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You should press F5 to make sure that the modified action has been recognized by the system.
In case the computer is unresponsive and cannot operate on the computer screen, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the Task Manager task.
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3. Check for and download system updates
You should regularly update the system so that Windows can operate stably. New updates will be able to fix program errors more quickly and efficiently.
Therefore, when the computer uses too much time but does not receive a response result, you should update to the latest version to make the computer more efficient.
To check the updated version, press the Windows + I key combination to go to Settings > Click on Update & Security.
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4. Delete Temporary Files
Computers that are used for a long time will generate a lot of temporary files, log files or cache files but are no longer usable. Too many files stored in the system taking up a lot of space will also greatly affect the operation of the system.
You should delete these files to increase processing space for your computer.
Step 1: Open the file containing files, temporary files, cache.
Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run dialog box > Enter temp > Click OK.
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Step 2: Select all with Ctrl + A > Press Delete.
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With just 2 steps you can delete all temporary files, cache files.
5. Update Driver for PC
Drivers that are too old can cause Windows to freeze, the system cannot handle the task. You should update the Driver to a newer version to resolve this issue.
Step 1: Open Device Manager.
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Step 2: Right-click on the hardware and select Update driver.
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6. Use the Troubleshooter
Step 1: Press the Windows + I key combination to open the Settings menu.
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Step 2: In the search box, enter System Maintenance > Select Perform recommended maintenance tasks automatically.
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Step 3: Select Next.
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After the task has finished running, you should restart the machine to check for errors.
7. Scan for viruses and malware
Viruses or malware can cause problems with Windows programs, including not responding errors. You should conduct a scan to find and remove viruses to ensure the safety of your computer.
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8. Using System File Checker Scan
System File Checker Scan is a task that can scan and automatically remove errors that are occurring when files are running. You can use this task to fix Windows Not Responding errors.
Step 1: Open Command Prompt with Administrator rights.
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Step 2: Type the command line sfc /scannow and then press Enter.
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The system needs time to scan in the background, so you need to wait for a certain amount of time for the command to be completely executed.
9. Use Clean Boot
If you do not know which application is causing the error, then Clean Boot is a reasonable choice for you. Clean boot will help you find out which application or service is causing the error on your computer. You can then resolve the error yourself with that application.
To launch Clean Boot:
Step 1: Open Clean Boot with the Run dialog box.
Press Ctrl + R to open the Run dialog box > Enter MSCONFIG > Click OK.
Step 2: Select the Boot tab > Remove the tick in the Safe Boot section.
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Step 3: Select the General tab > Select Selective startup > Remove the check mark in the Load startup items section.
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Step 4: Select the Services tab > Select Disable all.
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Step 5: Select the Startup tab > Select Open Task Manager.
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Step 6: Select the Startup tab > Disable all applications.
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Step 7: Enable each application to check for error applications.
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10. Upgrading computer hardware
For having to operate with high intensity and large number of commands, the processing task exceeds the capacity of the configuration, causing the system to encounter a Windows Not Responding error. You should upgrade hardware components such as Ram, CPU or add an SSD hard drive to help speed up the computer's processing.
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However, upgrading only one part can cause the computer to experience the same error.
Thank you for your interest in this article of ours. Hope this article will bring you useful information.
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