Previously, you could only use Task Manager to close the application, but now developed to integrate all Windows 10 settings in the same location, the Settings app now includes an option to close the applications in the page. install apps.
In this tutorial, you will learn the steps to quickly close an application when you are not responding on Windows 10 using the Settings application and Task Manager .
If you are having problems with a Microsoft Store application, you can quickly close applications and related processes using the Settings application.
1. Open Settings .
2. Click Apps .
3. Click Apps & features (Apps and features).
4. Select the active application and click the Advanced options link.
Fix Not responding on Windows 10 Picture 1
5. Click the Terminate button.
Fix Not responding on Windows 10 Picture 2
Once you have completed the steps, the problematic application and the related processes will close. Then you can reopen and start using the application, but this time (hopefully) there is no problem.
Alternatively, you can right-click on the application's Live Tile from the Start menu, select More and click App settings to quickly navigate to the settings page for a specific application.
In case the problem is a traditional desktop application, you can still use Task Manager to close the application and end the related processes manually (if needed ).
1. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager .
2. Select an unresponsive application.
3. Click the End task button.
Fix Not responding on Windows 10 Picture 3
After completing the steps, the problematic application will close and you can restart the application without any problems. Alternatively, you can quickly open Task Manager with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc .
However, another quick way to close an unresponsive application is to use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F4 while the application is launching.
If you do not see the option in the application settings page, it may be because you are not running Windows 10 operating system version 1803 (Redstone 4) released in 2018. The ability to close applications and related processes of Microsoft Store is making its way on Windows 10 starting from build 17063.
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