Why is conventional air conditioner more popular than Inverter?

Inverter air conditioner lines are quite popular in the market today. So when choosing to buy air conditioner for your family, you wonder if you should choose the type of air conditioner or Inverter?

On the market today, it is not difficult to find the air conditioner line with enough different brands. There is no denying the advantages that this air conditioner brings to users such as saving electricity costs, maintaining a stable temperature, running smoothly, . and many other outstanding features compared to the air conditioner line. often.

However, not the above advantages but the air conditioner line is often less competitive and not necessarily a bad decision when you choose to buy. Together we list the reasons you should choose to buy conventional air conditioners.

1. Price is not too high:

Obviously, the cost of buying air-conditioners is always cheaper than inverter air-conditioner. If you don't have a high demand for your air conditioner and don't want to spend a lot of money, choosing an air conditioner will often save you a decent amount of initial cost.

Picture 1 of Why is conventional air conditioner more popular than Inverter?

You can refer to more harmonic lines from different firms at META online supermarket, with attractive incentives and enthusiastic advice:

2. Frequency of use is not much:

If the room you are planning to install is rarely used (such as a room for guests to go to bed for a long time or a meeting room .), the rooms that only use when there is an unexpected need, then choose the air conditioner usually will be a smart choice.

3. Less daily demand:

Inverter air conditioner usually only shows power saving effectively when they are used for a long time in a row (about 6-8 hours or more). So, in places where you only use them for a short time of the day (such as a kitchen), why not choose a common air conditioner to save investment costs?

Picture 2 of Why is conventional air conditioner more popular than Inverter?

4. Replacement cost, cleaning and cheap repair:

The structure of air-conditioners is usually quite simple, especially in the indoor indoor unit. And since there are not many complicated things inside, when damage occurs, repairs or parts need to be replaced for air-conditioners, it is usually cheaper than inverter air conditioners.

Picture 3 of Why is conventional air conditioner more popular than Inverter?

5. Longer overload time:

Do not own the inverter controller to adjust the capacity of the Inverter, so by default air-conditioner will usually run at maximum power (Hi Power) every time it starts and stops only when enough cold (Compressors or engines of air conditioners often do not turn on continuously as inverter air conditioners) and manufacturers will have to ensure, it can run at maximum capacity for a while without overloading.

Therefore, non-inverter air conditioners can often run at a much longer overload, which is more difficult than an inverter air conditioner.

6. Suitable for continuous travel, harsh environment:

If you need an air conditioner to use somewhere in a short time, and move to another place like the construction site, the rooms are usually contanier blocks, why not choose a machine? cold often? Just save cost but limit the risk of damage.

In addition, in dusty, less shielded environments, an air conditioner that does not include many complex electronic circuit boards will also help you reduce the possibility of continuous maintenance and repair.

Picture 4 of Why is conventional air conditioner more popular than Inverter?

Refer to the following articles:

  1. How to clean the air conditioner properly?
  1. Mysteriously saving electricity with Dry mode on air conditioner
  1. How to choose air conditioners for homes with young children

Hope the above article is useful to you!

Update 25 May 2019


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