What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?

Have you ever wondered how our bodies will change when the Sun no longer exists? Let us find out in that article below!

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Have you ever wondered how our bodies will change when the Sun no longer exists? Of course, all of us are too familiar with receiving sunlight every day. Even on cloudy or rainy days, we know that the Sun is somewhere in the sky and we will definitely see it soon. However, do we really know how important they are to parts of the human body?

We have collected 8 predictions about what will happen if we do not get regular sunlight exposure. Invite you to consult!

8. Heart disease

Picture 1 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
© pixabay

Without sunlight, our bodies can not produce vitamin D. This vitamin plays an important role in protecting us from the risk of heart disease. Ultraviolet rays also help regulate blood pressure. So if we don't have the Sun, we will be prone to cardiovascular diseases.

7. Not fun

Picture 2 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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Without the Sun, our bodies will have less serotonin - happy hormones. Although there are many ways to make you feel happier, regular exposure to sunlight is the easiest and most natural way, especially if combined with exercise.

6. Marrow dryness

Picture 3 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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It is thought that if children are not fully exposed to sunlight, they are at risk of multiple sclerosis (MS ), a disorder of the brain and spinal cord with nerve function. reduced; combination of scar formation on the coating of nerve cells, when mature.

5. Muscle pain

Picture 4 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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If there is no sunlight, be prepared to receive a lot of muscle aches on your body. Sunlight helps warm the muscles in the body and relieves pain caused by inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

4. Reduce the ability to have children

Picture 5 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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Without sunlight, the female body will have more melatonin ( a hormone produced from the pituitary gland in the central nervous system) . This is a hormone that prevents conception, thus reducing the ability of women to have children . Moreover, women who are less exposed to sunlight will advance to menopause sooner than those who are exposed to the sun daily.

Men who are " lacking " sunlight can also directly affect the level of testosterone in the body.

3. Reduce immunity

Picture 6 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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Less exposure to sunlight means less W hite Blood Cell - the number of white blood cells in a blood volume. The more white blood cells you have, the harder it is for your body to fight off infections.

2. Easy to get tooth decay

Picture 7 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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Even our teeth will be hurt without the Sun. It has been found that people who are less exposed to sunlight often experience dental problems such as tooth decay.

1. Harsh weather in winter

Picture 8 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
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If you don't have sunlight, you will have seasonal affective disorder (SAD ) or seasonal emotional disorder - a mood disorder that usually occurs in the winter and autumn. It is a special form of depression caused by the lack of sunlight. Artificial light cannot completely replace natural light.

Picture 9 of What will happen to our body if the Sun suddenly disappears?
© pixabay

Although sunlight is beneficial for our bodies, remember that if you are exposed too much, it is not a good thing. Ultraviolet rays can cause skin burns and skin diseases - even cancer. Everything is good to a certain extent.

See also: 9 abnormal signs in the legs warning the body is having health problems

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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