10 mistakes are often made when taking care of your teeth

Let's TipsMake.com point through 10 mistakes that are often made when taking care of dental below!

Many of us think that dental hygiene is just a matter of brushing your teeth every day. This is true but not enough. Besides daily brushing, we need to pay attention to choosing the right toothbrush, toothpaste, including daily diet. In addition, people also need to know the problems that often occur with their teeth in order to have timely solutions.

Let's TipsMake.com point through 10 mistakes that are often made when taking care of dental below!

1. Sugar is the main enemy of teeth

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In fact, we often condemn " harmful bacteria " that produce acids that cause tooth decay and the remaining starch on the teeth to be the favorite food of these bacteria. Of course, sugar is also a form of carbon hydrate ( starch - sugar) but many other products, even " healthy " like fruits, cereals - are also favorite food for bacteria.

Carbohydrates are closely related between tooth decay and absorption of pure carbohydrates such as Flour and other types of carbohydrates used for bleaching, sweetening and less fiber. Pure carbonhydrate is easy to attach to the teeth for a long time and is susceptible to changes in acid by the bacteria in the mouth - the main cause of tooth decay. 

If this is a problem that you face, be sure to schedule an appointment with the Vista dentist for the best services.

2. Do not cure oral diseases during pregnancy

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Conversely, if you have dental disease during pregnancy, you must quickly treat. Most pregnant women fear that pain relievers may affect the fetus, so they try to tolerate dental problems during pregnancy. However, you do not need to suffer the pain of visiting a dentist anymore because current studies have shown the safety of local anesthesia.

Remember: always alert your dentist that you are pregnant.

3. Deep baby teeth do not need treatment

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Baby teeth often have thinner tooth enamel and are less protected from bacteria. Baby teeth that are deep if not treated promptly can lead to inflammation and harm to permanent teeth.

4. Hard brush cleaning teeth better

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On the market today there are countless designs and different toothbrush designs, you should use a soft brush , if the brush is too hard to damage the gum and enamel. A brush with a head of about 2.5 cm long is ideal for adults. Nylon brush bristles are better than natural fibers because they are more hygienic and better preserved. It is best to brush your teeth twice a day and change the brush every 3-4 months.

5. Use toothpicks after eating

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Dental floss should be used after eating by toothpicks that may be harmful to your gums. Toothbrushes that cannot clean all teeth and floss are the best way to clean this hard-to-reach area. Wrap only around two fingers and gently pull up and down between teeth, taking care to avoid damaging the gums. It's better to ask a dentist to guide dental floss techniques.

6. Brushing more teeth will be healthier

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Brushing your teeth too often can lead to abrasion of enamel due to the abrasive nature of toothpaste. You should follow the simple rule: brush your teeth twice a day and it's best to rinse your mouth at times of the day, between brushing your teeth morning and night.

7. Toothache does not mean tooth decay

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Sometimes toothache is not really tooth decay , but you may be suffering from a number of other reasons: tooth sensitivity, root canal or chewing gum for example. In addition, dental diseases that affect the sinuses are quite common, because the upper jaw and upper jaw teeth are closely related to the jaw sinuses. Visit your dentist to find out what causes you to have a toothache.

8. If the deep fillings appear, just close them

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Often the filling material is very safe and hard to release. However, when it comes out, it means there is a problem in the root and you need to see a doctor immediately.

9. Must extract wisdom teeth

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An erect, normal wisdom tooth, not trapped by bone tissue and gums, does not cause complications without being extracted.

10. Should brush your teeth after breakfast

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This view is supported by some dentists. However, today most dentists tend to brush their teeth before eating.
During sleep, because saliva is less secreted, bacteria will reproduce more and plaque will accumulate more. If you don't brush your teeth before breakfast, all these things will go straight to your stomach.

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