What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother?

Not all new laptops can run smoothly and at their full potential. You can even speed it up. So when buying a new laptop, what should we do to make it run smoother?

When you use electronic devices, whether new or old, you just need to connect them to a power source, turn them on, and you can use them right away, right? However, with laptops, that is not enough. Therefore, in this article, I will guide you on what to do after buying a new laptop to make the most of your new machine.

1. Remove Bloatware and Antivirus Software

This is the first thing you should do because junk software on your computer will take up memory, consume RAM and other resources. However, there are many software that you do not need, so remove them to avoid cluttering your computer. Press the Windows + i key combination to open Settings > Apps > Select the app you want to remove and select Uninstall.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 1What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 1

The second is anti-virus software, if you use it for common tasks, Windows Defender is more than enough. Windows Defender and other anti-virus software use a database that is updated through patches. Search for Control Panel on the Taskbar search bar > Uninstall a program > Double-click on the software you want to remove.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 2What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 2

2. Update the operating system

Operating system updates will bring many new features and fix security bugs. Many features are integrated into the operating system updates by CPU, Mainboard manufacturers. Therefore, the first thing you should do is update the operating system to the latest version for the most complete performance and features. Press the Windows + i key combination to open Settings > Update & Security > Check update.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 3What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 3

3. Install basic software 

You can access the software homepage on the browser to download the software that you use most often on your computer. For me, the software that you should install after buying a computer is Winrar and Unikey because they are extremely necessary for long-term use.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 4What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 4

4. Set up Windows Hello for increased security

Using any device without security is both convenient and safer for data. Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Option and choose the security type you like. 

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 5What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 5

5. Install additional browsers 

Microsoft Edge is a great browser, but if you have backed up and used a lot of Chrome or Firefox extensions, you can't completely switch. You can use multiple browsers at once to multitask more. Install more browsers to fully serve your needs.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 6What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 6

6. Adjust screen ratio

The factory machines will usually display the recommended Windows ratio, which is 150%. However, depending on the resolution and screen size, the displayed image will be large or small. Therefore, after purchasing the computer, you should adjust the screen ratio to the most comfortable for use. Go to Settings > System > Display > Scale & Layout > Adjust the ratio.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 7What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 7

7. Optimize Power & Sleep mode

Have you ever felt annoyed when your computer goes into sleep mode every 5 minutes of inactivity? Because laptops are not like phones, you don't want them to go into sleep mode while you are working or studying. Go to Settings > System > Power & Sleep > Adjust the time to the most appropriate.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 8What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 8

8. Buy external accessories

Laptops have all the components and parts for complete use, but they are physically limited due to the size of the laptop. Therefore, you have many options with external accessories such as mice, keyboards or cooling pads. Consider your needs and buy more accessories that you like to enhance your user experience.

What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 9What should I do to make my new laptop run smoother? Picture 9

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