What is Reaction? Why do today's youths act as Reaction?

What does reaction mean? Why does it attract so many people to make reaction so much? Please read along with the following article of Network Administrator.

If you regularly watch Youtube, you will easily catch the video reaction of some famous streamer such as: PewPew, ViruSs, mitthy . or even some young people, Vlogger Vietnamese other. The video reactions are extremely attractive to young people, making video reactions appear more and more on social networks. What does reaction mean? Why does it attract so many people to make reaction so much? Please read along with the following article of Network Administrator.

1. What does Reaction mean?

Picture 1 of What is Reaction? Why do today's youths act as Reaction?

Reaction is understood to be counterproductive or reactive . In the case of the reaction of netizens, we can understand that it is an adjective that responds and responds.

Accordingly, the video reaction means a video that shows the young people's reactions, comments, or certain streamer about a music video or a short movie trailer or a certain phenomenon or service in life. Through the reaction, the viewers can not only see the original video but also see how the reaction is extremely or extremely cool to the MV of the song, by discussing which scenes are impressive or specific in the MV. If you love something you can show interest. Otherwise you don't need to be afraid to express your emotions with your facial expressions, gestures and body language. All your emotions and gestures are very comfortable and honest. That's the interesting thing about reaction video.

2. The birth of reaction

Picture 2 of What is Reaction? Why do today's youths act as Reaction?

Video reaction first appeared in the west, at first it was one of the trends of Kpop fans in the West. Understand simple, it is a short video recording your expressions and comments when you first watch a certain clip, then share it on youtube.

A few years ago, the reaction wave was quickly introduced into Vietnam and was welcomed by young people, especially the streamer community. Among the successful pioneers for this trend, it is possible to mention the famous 'famous' streamer such as Viruss, Pewpew, Misthy, Thuy Dung and many other Vietnamese Youtuber and Vlogger. Thanks to these video reactions that have contributed significantly to enrich the content of streamer as well as the popularity to contribute to increase the number of fans on social networks.

Update 09 July 2019


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