The human body is stronger than the supercomputer?
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In the age of technology life today, many people often promote artificial intelligence and modern technology more than humans. This is completely wrong, do you know that the eye has a resolution of 126 megapixels, the rate of brain response 340km / h . and countless other interesting things that our bodies own? Our body is the most perfect system on this planet without any comparable artificial technology, as of now.
Do not let you curious, let us learn about the potentials in our human body that modern technology must also "respect".
1. The eye has a very high resolution megapixel
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 1
Do you know the eye is a camera device of our body. It's quite lame to compare the eyes with the cameras. Because the human eye is not the same as any camera tube, it can capture the surrounding scene and save it to memory.
According to a scientist and photographer Roger Clark, the resolution of our eyes is 126 Megapixel - much larger than the 12 megapixel mark on the iPhone camera.
Even so, you can only see the high resolution in a very small area between your vision, the area called "visual hole"; but the eye still has a certain blind spot.
2. Match the memory of the brain with the world's most powerful supercomputers
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 2
You know that our brain has about 100 billion neurons, each neuron continues to generate 1,000 impulsive nerve impulses that store data.
If everything is loved by all, then theoretically, the brain is capable of storing 100 Terabytes of information. In order to see how much our human brain can store information, you can compare them with one of the most powerful computers in the world, "Titan" has a capacity of 710 Terabytesde.
3. Speed of chemical reactions occurs in the brain
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 3
According to calculations by many experts, in the human brain usually occurs about 100,000 chemical reactions per second, meaning that its speed is equivalent to the speed of a Maglev train in Shanghai, one of The fastest trains on the planet that reach speeds of 430 km / h.
4. People use only 10% of the brain is just a myth
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 4
Many people often assume that people use only 10% of their brain to work. This is a completely wrong notion. In fact, our brain needs more resources than that number to function well.
Brain activity can be compared to the ability of radio stations: You only need to tune in once to be able to listen to 100 different channels freely without detecting many times.
Also, do you know that the human brain weighs about 1,400 grams, if only 10% is used, leaving 90% of the brain, we will have a brain weighing about 140 grams. It is the same size as the sheep brain. At this time, we still have the ability to memorize, think or learn and communicate.
5. What about brain power?
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 5
In order to match the size and weight of the brain, the brain must work harder, the standard capacity when the brain operates is estimated at 20 W, which is equivalent to a consuming supercomputer 1.4. MW (data), 70,000 times higher than computer data.
6. The brain is a unified whole and can be reborn
The human body is stronger than the supercomputer? Picture 6
You have or the brain and the human body has a great ability to work even if they are suffering from severe physical and mental pain. And when the computer is broken, it can't work, so never compare the brain and the human body with the world's most powerful supercomputer.
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