Touch computers using Windows 8 will drop to 5 million

At the Computex exhibition that is taking place in Taipei, Microsoft predicts that by 2014, 80% of devices using Windows 8 will be equipped with touch screens, and the price of these devices will drop. 250 USD.

At the Computex exhibition that is taking place in Taipei, Microsoft predicts that by 2014, 80% of devices using Windows 8 will be equipped with touch screens, and the price of these devices will drop. 250 USD.

Picture 1 of Touch computers using Windows 8 will drop to 5 million

Touch screen computers will account for 80% of the market in 2014.

Christian Cocks, CEO of EOM of Microsoft, said in a speech about the Future of Touch Panels at Computex today that the number of devices equipped with touch screens running Windows 8 will be surged, accounting for 80% of total PC market sales in 2014.

Christian Cocks said that with market stimulation of the upcoming Windows 8.1 operating system and OEM partners, touch screen computers will become the device that users love and expect the same way that people users are thinking about smartphones today.

'Currently touch screens have become popular on most markets, and the users are mostly young people. However, in the next few months we think the speed of universal touch screen devices will increase rapidly around the world , "Mr. Cocks said.

According to Microsoft, by 2014, devices using touch screens with Windows 8 operating systems will be popular in emerging markets. Meanwhile, in developed markets, like the US, the proportion of touchscreen PC users will account for about 60-80%.

Christian Cocks said that touch screen devices are still expensive, with the cost of a Windows 8 touch screen laptop costing $ 700 or more. He said that in the next few months, the prices of touch-screen devices will be sold for as low as $ 220-250.

Microsoft is known to seek to reduce the cost of Windows 8 devices by reducing the cost of its new generation operating system to manufacturers. In addition, the US software company also cooperated with partners to reduce the cost of producing touch screen from 4-8 USD / per square inch to 1.5-2 USD in 2014.

Microsoft is also working to bring its operating system on mobile devices or tablets with screens of 7-8 inches.

Update 25 May 2019


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