Top 7 good foods for diabetics

Diet plays a huge role in human health. For people with diabetes, the daily diet is extremely important. Below we will introduce to you the group of 7 good foods for people with diabetes. Follow along and add to your rational diet!

Diet plays a huge role in human health. For people with diabetes, the daily diet is extremely important. Below we will introduce to you the group of 7 good foods for people with diabetes . Follow along and add to your rational diet!


  1. Learn nutrition principles for diabetics
  2. 7 good foods for diabetics you need to know
    1. Green vegetables
    2. Nghe
    3. Strawberry
    4. Garlic
    5. Particles
    6. Egg
    7. Low sugar yogurt

Picture 1 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

Learn nutrition principles for diabetics

Before getting into foods that are good for diabetics , learn about the nutritional principles for people with diabetes .

  1. Should provide enough water 40ml / kg weight / day.
  2. Should eat in moderation, on time, not to be too hungry, not too full, it will be difficult to control blood sugar.
  3. Meals should be broken down (at least 4 meals a day), should be eaten at night to avoid hypoglycemia at night.
  4. Do not change too quickly and many structures and volumes of meals.
  5. Not too abstinence, need to supplement all the nutrients: Protein, fat, sugar powder, vitamins, mineral salts, fiber .

7 good foods for diabetics you need to know

1. Green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are especially good for diabetics. Green leafy vegetables are not only nutritious but also low in calories and starch, helping you to limit your blood sugar.

Some vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli . are ample sources of vitamins and minerals for the body, including vitamin C.

Picture 2 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

According to one study, a high intake of vitamin C reduces the signs of inflammation and lowers blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

In addition, green leafy vegetables also contain many antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin - which help protect the eyes from complications of diabetes such as cataracts or macular degeneration.

2. Art

However, curcumin cannot be absorbed by itself but should have added piperine (found in black pepper) to enhance absorption to about 2,000%.

Indifferent is one of the drugs especially good for human health. In turmeric contains Curcumin - an ingredient that can reduce inflammation, lower blood sugar and the risk of heart disease. In addition, Curcumin itself also has many positive effects on diabetic kidney disease.

Picture 3 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

However, Curcumin will not be absorbed without piperine (found in black pepper). Therefore, when adding technology you should combine with black pepper.

3. Strawberry

Strawberries are considered a good food for diabetics. Strawberry contains many antioxidants (Anthocyanin). This substance has the effect of reducing cholesterol and insulin after every diabetic meal. Besides, it also improves blood sugar while reducing the risk of heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes.

Picture 4 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

4. Garlic

Studies show that garlic can reduce LDL infection, blood sugar and bad cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes. A raw garlic clove contains only about 4 calories and 1g of carbohydrate.

Picture 5 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

5. Split seeds

Split seeds contain lots of fiber and extremely little starch, it helps the body limit blood sugar. In 28g of split seeds contain 12g of starch, sugar and fiber which fiber has accounted for 11g of them. The amount of soluble fiber in chia seeds can lower blood sugar levels because they reduce the rate of food entering the intestine and are digested.

In addition, chia seeds have also been shown to lower blood pressure as well as reduce signs of inflammation.

Picture 6 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

6. Eggs

Eggs are a type of food that helps you stay full for a long time. Eating eggs regularly will help you:

  1. Lower the risk of heart disease.
  2. Reduce inflammation
  3. Improved sensitivity to lin
  4. Increase good cholesterol HDL
  5. And reduce bad LDL cholesterol.

Picture 7 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

Another study also found that people with type 2 diabetes who had a high protein diet (ie 2 eggs per day) would have improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

When eating eggs, you should eat both the yolk and the white.

7. Low-sugar yogurt

Low sugar sugars have been shown to better control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to the probiotic bacteria found in them.

Some studies also show that yogurt and other dairy foods support weight loss and improve the body condition of people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, high levels of calcium and linoleic fatty acids The conjugate (CLA) present in yogurt may have a very important role.

Picture 8 of Top 7 good foods for diabetics

When choosing yogurt, you should use Greek yogurt, because they contain only about 6-8g of carbohydrate, lower than other yogurt. In addition, they also have a higher protein content that promotes weight loss due to its ability to limit appetite and reduce calorie consumption.

These are good foods for people with diabetes . Besides a diet with healthy foods, you should also practice some light sports, and regularly check your blood sugar at home with a blood glucose meter to be able to actively control the amount of sugar in your home. blood.

Hopefully the above sharing will help you. Wish you all are well!

>> Refer to the article:

  1. 4 best blood glucose meters cost less than 1 million VND
  2. Supplementing Vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of diabetes
  3. Less sleep related to diabetes in pregnant women
Update 29 May 2019


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