8 incredible facts about foods around us
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Foods that we buy at convenience stores or supermarkets often contain additives or additional ingredients that make the dish more delicious and keep longer. On the Bright Side page, we learn about the foods we love every day to see what they actually contain.
The information we give here does not mean you should not eat those products anymore, but that you can control the amount of substances put into your body. Read carefully 8 incredible facts about foods around us because it is the best advice when choosing healthy products, especially for children.
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 1 © depositphotos
The main ingredient of tomato sauce is tomatoes, cornstarch and some other spices. The amount of concentrated tomatoes also depends on the quality of tomatoes, only about 6% to 10%. Besides, cornstarch is often added to increase flavor and make tomato sauce have a certain degree of ductility.
- Tips : When choosing tomato sauce, choose the ones with good quality, clear origin because there are many fake goods on the market today.Or if possible, make your own tomato sauce to ensure the health of the whole family.
The crab bar
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 2 © depositphotos
Crab sticks are often the favorite dish of many people, but actually inside there is only crab flavor, where the main ingredient is fish. People fill the fish clean, remove the fishy smell and then crush it into fish sauce. In addition, there are other ingredients such as salt, sugar, protein, soy, vegetable oil, food colorants and additives that are mixed together to create attractive flavor for crab sticks.
- Tip : Quality crab sticks usually have very firm meat, carefully wrapped in packaging. If the crab stick is easily broken, it is likely that they contain a lot of corn flour in their ingredients. So when choosing crab bars, bend them.
French fries
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 3 © depositphotos
French fries are usually made from the rest of the potatoes that are damaged with large amounts of oil, salt and additives. In addition, it is also added corn flour and Acrylamide - a substance capable of causing cancer to help yellow potatoes and brittle. If using this substance exceeds the safety level, it will affect human health ( 0.2 μg / kg ). Therefore, this product is completely unhealthy.
- Tip : French fries are very tasty, suitable for many people, but they are too oily foods. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat roasted or boiled potatoes alternately.
See also: 9 familiar types of fish should not eat too much if you don't want to ruin your health
Corn cereals
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 4 © depositphotos
In addition to the ingredients given on the picture, some cereals contain palm oil and a large part of Fructose sugar ( the sugar in plants in fruits and fruits ).
- Advice: Due to the composition of high-sugar cereals and large amounts of cornstarch, experts recommend that children should not eat cereals regularly because of long-term adverse health effects.
Fruit yogurt
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 5 © depositphotos
In the fruit yogurt ingredients, in addition to fruits only occupy a small amount, from 1% to 5%, which also contains many additives such as corn flour, sugar, colorings and acid regulators.It is worth mentioning that it contains many stabilizers that are not good for health.You should choose yogurt made from whole milk and probiotics, which do not contain a lot of stabilizers.
- Tip : Choose to buy yogurt, which contains whole milk, cream, milk and healthy bacteria ( like bifidobacterium and lactic-acid acid ).
Nutella (brand of hazelnut jam sweet chocolate)
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 6 © depositphotos
Nutella is a brand of sweet hazelnut jam, often used to spread bread. The production of chocolate includes vegetable oils ( usually palm oil ) and other ingredients including vanilla, emulsifiers, thickeners and aromatics.
- Tips: Do not buy chocolate with a white layer above, because most likely in their composition contains palm oil and less cocoa. The world's leading chocolate manufacturer recommends that consumers should not consume more than 2 teaspoons of Nutella every day.
See also: 17 types of food can be eaten at any time without quantity restrictions
White chocolate
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 7 © depositphotos
Looking at the ingredients on the image, white chocolate actually contains only cocoa butter, often diluted with palm oil, coconut oil and other ingredients including emulsifiers, aromatizers, as well as additives. .
- Tip : Choose pure chocolate even though it is a bit bitter, crunchy, hard and easy to break.
Condensed milk
8 incredible facts about foods around us Picture 8 © depositphotos
Condensed milk is made by evaporating about 1.5 liters of animal milk fat. Manufacturers often reduce the amount of whole animal milk, instead use vegetable fats and thickeners to neutralize fat content, saving costs.
- Tip : If there is a " milk containing sugar " on the carton, it is most likely produced in the way indicated above.
General advice for choosing food products:
- Choose fresh products and limit the use of canned products to ensure health safety. Always remember the additives contain harmful ingredients and make notes in conspicuous, easy-to-remember places to avoid use.
- There are manufacturers who often give fake brand names similar to reputable brands so consumers who do not pay attention will buy the wrong products.
- If you are familiar with the product, you can check the packaging components such as " syrup", "molasses", "dextrose", "sorbose " and other professional words ending in " ose ". Thereby, we will know what kind of sugar we are using and how much they take. In addition, additives often start with " E9 " like E967 ( koenlinite ), E954 ( saccharin ).
See also: 3 simple ways to curb anxiety with natural food
Having fun!
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