Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

These are good rank rankers selected for each position in the map and any current meta

One of the bad things that makes gamers feel frustrated when playing League of Legends is that they have to participate in rating, there are many reasons including difference in qualifications, teammates who don't cooperate, or have to receive curses from young buffalo in the game .

Those are the reasons why gamers can't stand the ratings, and to solve these problems temporarily, you will need to have generals with very good team capacities. As long as you have to master these generals skillfully, your win rate will be much higher.

In this article, I will list the top rankings of good rankers and the ability to carry high teams, and of course the level of play of these generals is not easy. So if you want to rank quickly, then take the time to practice with these generals.

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LMHT: 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta

1. Riven - TOP position

With Riven, you just need to be sure that the general combos used by this general are able to sell to his opponents already. She marked her comeback in version 9.3 with the premiere of Shojin in the ranking of the strongest solo generals.

Picture 1 of Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

Riven's maneuverability makes this champion difficult to capture and she is also very easy to escape the enemy, and Riven is not restricted from using the skill because he has limited mana as many other TOP heroes. Riven's initiative will surprise the enemy by fighting, taking advantage of his powerful inner.

However, she does not always win, to deal effectively with the enemy team, you need to learn how to use the skill. Always think to see which direction can maximize your advantage, then wait for the opportunity and glide to and destroy the enemy and finish the game.

2. Lee Sin - Forest position

Picture 2 of Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

"Sin" Lee Sin has had a long time to make a meta island until now. Lee Sin has a tremendous amount of damage output in early game periods, plus a huge amount of combo damage, not to mention self-defense and quick recovery. At the end of the match, just a proper kick is very likely it will completely change the face of the match.

If you are not familiar with Lee Sin's control, gamers will easily be confused about using skills and optimizing the advantages of Lee Sin's skill set. But if you get used to it, it will be difficult for the enemy to capture you, a skilled Lee Sin player who can create a lot of damage while the enemy cannot touch them.

3. Sylas - Mid position

Picture 3 of Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

The general is still being tested by many gamers. And after a period of release, gamers have gradually grasped how to overcome this general, but Sylas is still a strong general. He has the advantage of just finishing his opponent to be able to heal himself with a large amount of blood, so that he can scatter the horrors for other players.

Sylas often targets those who have blood paper to maximize the damage inflicted. The end of the Rebellion cooldown starts at the time when Sylas steals the enemy, so you can rotate to get more enemies' skills. Just find the space between you and your opponent, then approach them and attack to heal yourself, then use the correct multiplier to finish off the opponent.

4. Vayne - position of Gunner

Picture 4 of Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

Vayne has the potential for a position of Gunner when she can solo 1vs5 extremely effectively. The standard damage to every single inch is the ability to damage according to the percentage of health. Even when confronted with uncomfortable generals like Neeko, Zoe, Viktor, Vladimir, Vayne is still capable of overwhelmingly easy.

However, to activate her flexible skills requires gamers to have the ability and to choose the position correctly. The more you go to the end of the game, the more potential Vayne can be in charge of being responsible for the whole team on her shoulders. Once she has all three sectarian items, Vayne can "plow" the entire tank of the enemy team, using stealth to escape the enemy's vision, restraining them with E which is the most important thing in This late game stage.

5. Thresh - Support position

Picture 5 of Top 5 generals climb rank very well despite meta in League of Legends

There is no shortage of gamers who choose Thresh and climb up to the rank of Challenge. And what they know when using Thresh more than other players is choosing the Support position to climb rank. Don't use pure defensive heroes like Braum, play generals that support a lot of damage like Pyke Bard and Thresh.

In particular Thresh is a comprehensive support, which acts as a powerful roam, easy to save or open combat and easily pressures on death scythes. Just an accurate hook can change the situation. If you already have an advantage in the Bot position, buy Mobility Shoes and join the team to go to the forest to support other lanes.

There is nothing by locking your mid team between the bot - top clamps and finishing them off. It is these tips that help a Support player to rank as high as any other position.

Update 23 May 2019


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