The steps are as follows: In the spreadsheet that needs to be secured, press ALT + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic window. In the Project - VBA Project window, double-click the VBA Project , double-click Microsoft Excel Objects to open the worksheet in the document then select the worksheet you want to hide -> then press F4 . In the Visible option, click the triangle mark to select 2-xlSheetVeryHidden , finally close this Microsoft Visual Basic and see how the result is
When you want the spreadsheet to appear again, you just need to repeat the above actions and choose - 1-xlSheetVisible is okay.
Into rotation But when you apply this tip, your spreadsheet will be much safer and this is a new "way" for readers to read and have more choices in their work. Do the following: In the spreadsheet that needs to be secured, click to open the Microsoft Visual Basic window. In the Project window - VBA Project, double-click, double-click to open the worksheets in the document then select the worksheet you want to hide -> then click. In the option you click on the selected triangle, finally close this Microsoft Visual Basic and see how the result is. When you want the spreadsheet to appear again, you just need to repeat the above actions and select - is OK.