This is how this guy controls the iPhone with his eyes, not one touch

With ARKit 2.0-based eye tracking application developed by himself, Matt does not need to use his fingers or use anything to impact but just squint to switch between items and blink to confirm.

Matt Moss has the opportunity to participate in WWDC 2018 in the form of a scholarship and experience the first version of iOS 12 for developers. During the experience, Matt discovered that ARKit 2.0 opened up many interesting ways to interact with the iPhone, including eye movement.

Matt Moss began developing the test application to see if it was accurate enough to determine where the user is looking on the screen and how it works.

Picture 1 of This is how this guy controls the iPhone with his eyes, not one touch

With ARKit 2.0-based eye tracking application developed by himself, Matt does not need to use his fingers or use anything to impact but just squint to switch between items and blink to confirm.

Please watch the video showing Matt's new application:

See more:

  1. Check iOS 12 beta and iOS 11.4 on iPhone 5S to iPhone 8, should upgrade?
  2. Invite to see the beautiful Concept that comes with many unique features of iOS 12
  3. List of devices upgraded to iOS 12


Update 24 May 2019


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