These 5 books will help you become a different person

Or, to be precise, these books will help you love your current life and appreciate what you have.

Books are like music. Some people like gentle genre, some like strong, intense, some like classic . Some people like music with lyrics, but some like to immerse in non-verbal music to relax .

Each book brings certain meaning to the reader. Certainly, both you and I have at least one book that helps us have more motivation or faith in life. Whether it's language, detective stories, horror, self-development books, novels, comics or any other genre, we have the right to choose for ourselves a treasure of knowledge to discover. .

The 5 books below may not match your "gu" but try one reading and you will find that they are extremely meaningful.

1. The Alchemist (Alchemist) of Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist , also known as "Alchemist" is a novel by Paulo Coelho , written in Portuguese, translated into 56 languages, selling over 65 million copies in more than 150 countries and is one of the best-selling books of all time.

"Alchemist" revolves around life and the journey of a young man named Santiago who dreams of traveling around the world. Since his father agreed to let him use his fortune to buy a flock of sheep, Santiago often has strange dreams when sleeping. In the dream, he saw a child leading him to the base of the Great Pyramid and said that there was a great treasure buried here. Therefore, Santiago decided to abandon the flock of sheep to travel to Egypt to find the treasure.

When it came to an oasis, Santiago was advised to stop because of the war between tribes. Here, he met Fatima and fell in love with this girl, but only then did he have to make two choices: stay with love or continue his journey of dream fulfillment. Seeing that, Fatima encouraged and told him to follow his heart to walk on the desert .

Picture 1 of These 5 books will help you become a different person

Book cover Alchemist

It is a novel with simple style, gentle narrative style and although there are many ways of expressing different thoughts, but all the characters in Alchemist , from Santiago, he sells ice cream, the shop owner mixed pears, desert girls until the day thieves have one thing in common: they all have a dream, a destiny of their lives but not everyone follows it, not everyone makes a choice choosing between "one side is familiar close and one side is what you want to own" . If Santiago does not move forward and accepts to face many dangers to decipher the dream, can he see for himself the magnificent beauty of the Pyramid? Can he find a sweet love like fairy with Fatima? All of the experiences in his journey to pursue his destiny helped Santiago understand the deepest meaning of happiness. Sometimes people have to go on a long journey with hardships just to understand that happiness is right at our feet, where we have been.

Alchemists are great books for all who are looking for the purpose of their lives.

2. The Little Prince of Antonie de Saint-Exupery

Along with the Alchemist , the little Prince is the next book that makes millions of people around the world sob. Since the debut you first read in 1943, the little Prince has become a book for "children of all ages", a classic that every parent wants to read for his children. listen because that's how they recall their childhood memories. The work has been translated into more than 250 languages ​​(including dialects) and has so far sold more than 200 million copies worldwide, becoming one of the best-selling books of all time.

Picture 2 of These 5 books will help you become a different person

Book of Little Prince (reprinted)

The story is about a small asteroid, home to the Little Prince, there are three volcanoes, two of which are still active and the other is off. There, just inched your chair up a few centimeters and was able to see the sunset and in particular, there was a dainty flower - love the little Prince but kept being cold. The little prince has traveled through the various stars of the adult world that he will never understand. Then, when he came to Earth, he discovered that his flower was not the only flower and a fox advised him: "It is not the only flower but it is your flower, with you story . you should be responsible for it ". And the little Prince decided to return home. A journey not only full of dreams, shimmering for children but also really profound for those who "were once children" .

And with the little Prince, "adults are really strange".

3. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

This is probably the first book that helps Vietnamese readers to fully and honestly acknowledge the beauty and pain of Afghanistan, a country, a nation, a long-lost culture. by fanatics.The kite racer is a moving and meaningful gift that writer Khaled Hosseini sent back to his homeland, where the peaceful life has not yet returned. The plot of the book revolves around a boy born in Afghanisan and throughout his life, he has experienced many ups and downs.

Picture 3 of These 5 books will help you become a different person

Maybe, you will feel that there is no close or close relationship to the context but the Kite Racer will make you cry, get angry and finally be happy: Happiness with the characters discovering the secrets family, the power of love and the meaning of friendship in life . A topical book, thrilling story, thrilling, fierce conflicts between lines of characters, war, chaos, ruined cities, devastated cultural works, people Hooded women mourn and extremists with harsh laws . just what you know about Afghanistan through mass media. In contrast, the Kite Racer offers a completely different view: a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan, an Afghan of a long-standing cultural tradition, an Afghan belonging to the noble and proud people, an Afghan once exist and have been destroyed.

You will love this world more, live more love and feel more sympathetic to the pain of other peoples.

4. I am Malala (I am Malala) of Malala Yousafzai

A Taliban gunman shot Malala on October 9, 2012 when she was on her way home from school in Northwest Pakistan. The warrior group wants to kill Malala because she promotes "Western thinking" and criticizes Taliban's behavior. The bullet pierced her head, neck and stuck in her shoulder but fortunately she did not die. She had spent several months treating wounds at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England and was discharged from hospital to continue her schooling in the fog country. I wrote the "I am Malala" autobiography to convey the message to the world that "children in some countries must be very difficult to be able to go to school".

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I am Malala book cover

Malala is too young for what I have experienced but I am brave and brave enough to fight for the most basic human rights.

5. Daniel Levin's Zen Life

Picture 5 of These 5 books will help you become a different person

This book is neither fiction nor writing about real life. Even the title says its meaning: Zen Life is a collection of short stories and quotes that help you relax your soul. Bringing the beauty of meditation into life, calm in everyday life, peace in your heart even when you are facing the wind or any other way of understanding, Zen Life is a place for you to find pleasure happy and hope.

Update 24 May 2019


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