The smallest house in the world is only 15 micrometers, to observe must use a microscope

The smallest house in the world with a height of only 15 micrometers (1 micrometer = 0.001 mm) is a construction work done by French engineers at the Femto-ST Institute in Besançon.

The smallest house in the world with a height of only 15 micrometers (1 micrometer = 0.001 mm) is a construction work done by French engineers at the Femto-ST Institute in Besançon.

This tiny house has a width of 10 micrometers, a height of 15 micrometers, and its thickness is smaller than a human hair. It is so small that it can fit on the surface of an optical fiber.

Picture 1 of The smallest house in the world is only 15 micrometers, to observe must use a microscope

The process of building and assembling the world's smallest house.(Photo: Labroots).

To build this house, engineers used the uRobotex system, which works on the interaction of a number of micro-robots that can create small structures. During the construction process, all operations of the robot are controlled by the computer system.

Picture 2 of The smallest house in the world is only 15 micrometers, to observe must use a microscope
The smallest house in the world observed under a microscope.(Photo: Labroots).

The process of building a house is done in a vacuum chamber and to observe scientists to use a microscope.

Engineers expect the assembly process of this system to be fully automated in the future and can create microscopic structures up to a hundred nanometers in size.

See more:

  1. The world's smallest computer, 0.04mm block
  2. List of the world's smallest technology items
  3. The smallest computer in the world, only with salt particles but still fully functional as usual, priced at 2500 VND
Update 24 May 2019


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