The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors

Rusty Spotted Cat has an average size of about 35 - 48cm (excluding the tail), weighs only about 0.8 - 1.6kg, only half the weight of a common domestic cat.

They are the winners of the world's smallest cat contest, so small that they can fit in the palm of a human hand.

The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 1The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 1


This small cat breed has large black spots with long dark streaks, so they are called spotted cats.

The rusty spotted cat lives only in Sri Lanka and India. A special special feature of this cat breed is that the first 100 days of age, male cats are smaller than females. Usually in cats, the male is almost always as heavy or at least as large as the female during the developmental stages.

The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 2The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 2


Rusty-spotted cats possess senses many times more acute than humans. The eyes of this tiny cat are 6 times better than human eyes and are sensitive to the smallest movements. Cat whiskers develop from a nervous system so they are extremely sensitive, able to detect the slightest touch or the slightest breeze. A cat's hearing is also very good, it can pick up sounds that the human ear can't perceive at all. The rust-spotted cat's sense of smell is also capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors.

The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 3The smallest cat in the world, capable of distinguishing 1 billion different odors Picture 3

This microscopic cat breed usually lives in places with dense vegetation, deciduous forests, bushes or grasslands.

Like its relatives, the rusty spotted cat is nocturnal. Their food is mainly frogs, birds, mice…

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