The origin of common technology terms

PC Magazine has investigated why people use the word spam (spam box) to indicate spam, bug (bug) to talk about computer errors or hive when referring to the Windows Registry .. .

PC Magazine has investigated why people use the word spam (spam box) to indicate spam, bug (bug) to talk about computer errors or hive when referring to the Windows Registry . .

Picture 1 of The origin of common technology terms

Booting: The term booting means similar starting and originating from the idiom "to pull oneself up by the bootstrap ". In the 19th century, this phrase also means doing something impossible.

Picture 2 of The origin of common technology terms

Bug: The term used to refer to errors in computers and other hardware began to be popular since 1946 when the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator, a preliminary computer tested at Harvard University at the time, was malfunctioning. It was discovered that a caterpillar entered the system, meaning there were indeed bugs. In addition, in 1878, inventor Thomas Edison also used " bugs " to describe minor errors or difficulties in the invention process.

Picture 3 of The origin of common technology terms

Hive: This is the word that refers to the Windows Registry (the database stores Windows settings, settings and options). Development expert Raymond Chan wrote on his blog: " One of the Windows NT programmers hates bees. When responsible for building the Registry, this person puts a lot of words related to" bees "as files. The registry is called "hive" and the data is stored in "cells" (cells, pits on the honeycomb) .

Picture 4 of The origin of common technology terms

Nerd: This word is often used to refer to "big-eyed , " eccentric, tech-loving people . It first appeared in If I Ran the Zoo in 1950 and " nerd " is one of those First citizen built up the zoo. Another theory is that nerd was read off from knurd (reverse writing of drunk) so that only one person who likes to stay at home does what they love instead of partying like everyone else.

Picture 5 of The origin of common technology terms

Spam: This word comes from BBC TV's Monty Python's Flying Circus, (1969), in which people eating food are " bombarded " by being given hams. It is currently used to identify unwanted e-mail (spam).

Picture 6 of The origin of common technology terms

Wiki: Ward Cunningham is the author of WikiWikiWeb - the first wiki site on the Internet. The name was born on a trip to Hawaii and he aboard the Wiki-Wiki at Honolulu airport. "Wiki-wiki " means " very fast ". Currently, wikis are used to refer to open platforms on the web, allowing people to change content without admin rights.

Update 26 May 2019


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