The best parts of food are often discarded by people

Eat these 4 foods, remember not to leave the following for health benefits.

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Watermelon rinds, tangerine peels, kiwi bark . These are considered to be leftovers of the fruit, and are redundant, they will be brought into the trash, not used.

But this is a completely wrong job for us, in fact these redundant parts are not as useless as you think, on the contrary, they have unexpected uses for health.

1. Broccoli stems

Picture 1 of The best parts of food are often discarded by people

Many people when eating broccoli often throw away the body. However, this is considered the most beneficial part for health as well as the best meal of broccoli. In the broccoli stems containing sulforaphane, a plant antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, these substances also help cells not be destroyed, inactivated carcinogens and inhibit the formation of vascular tumors.

So, when eating broccoli you should not throw away the body. Please peel off the outer shell, sliced ​​to fry or cook soup is also very delicious.

2. Watermelon shell

Picture 2 of The best parts of food are often discarded by people

Watermelon is a very good food, providing the body with the water and vitamins needed for the body. However, many people when eating watermelon often remove the seeds and the white shell inside the melon. However, these are the parts that have a lot of nutrients and good health, in the watermelon white peel containing the amino acid Citrulline when entering the body will be converted into arginine to help improve circulation and increase flow blood, improve heart health and relieve muscle aches.

In addition, this white peel also contains vitamins C and B6 to enhance the immune system extremely effectively. With this shell you can make salat and other fruits or make smoothies.

3. Citrus fruit peel

Picture 3 of The best parts of food are often discarded by people

In addition to vitamins in the zone, the fruits also have a shell containing a lot of nutrition. In the skin, the amount of vitamin C is 5 times higher than the meat, and the shell is also high in fiber, vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B5, vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium .

So, instead of throwing away the peel, you can wash it, shred it and put it in tea, salad, any dish if you like it. Or simply put it in the machine and squeeze it with other foods to bring optimum health benefits.

4. Kiwi shell

Picture 4 of The best parts of food are often discarded by people

Many people believe that kiwi shells often have feathers, and this shell will not be edible, but this is a completely misconception. This shell is like peach or apple, they are quite soft and very good for health. In addition to the intestine, the kiwi peel also has a lot of vitamin C as well as fiber.

Because the shell is rough and hard to eat, so we can't eat it directly but put it in a blender to make a smoothie, this way will make it easier for you to enjoy.

These are healthy food pieces that you should remember to keep each time you use them to save and replenish your daily diet!

Update 24 May 2019


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