5 fruits are recommended to eat daily

Eating fruit is a very beneficial habit for everyone's health. However, not all fruits are good and healthy. Check out the 5 recommended fruits, so using them will be very healthy.

Eating fruits is a healthy habit that we need to maintain every day. However, it is not necessary to eat any kind of fruit that is suitable and healthy. Having too many types of food will cause side effects that cause excessive blood sugar.

Therefore, the following 5 fruits are recommended to be used regularly, will be very good for health and suitable for many users.

1. Apples

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According to Oriental medicine, apples are cold, sweet, so apple is a very beneficial fruit for the heart. Besides, it also reduces cough, kidney, stomach and provides many minerals and vitamins for the body.

Not only that, but one study found that people who regularly eat apples can prevent the risk of developing hypertension. Apples also contain low cholesterol, can prevent colon cancer, as well as enhance oral health and help you lose weight, control blood sugar.

2. Papaya enough

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In papaya contains extremely rich nutritional ingredients such as papain enzyme, rennet, carotene . so it has great effects in preventing high blood pressure, nephritis, digestive support and anti- aging in the skin especially women. Besides, papaya also helps skin to remove the sebum that accumulates in the pores, making the skin healthy and bright white.

In addition, papaya also has an effective antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and fat-reducing effect.

3. Grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C

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According to the study, grapefruit is a fruit recommended to eat a lot, because grapefruit provides a great amount of Vitamin C, only half of grapefruit can provide about 50% of vitamin C needs each day. Besides, it also contains a lot of fiber, potassium, and Vitamin A, which acts as a sputum, assists digestion, supports the treatment of edema and inflammation .

Not only is it rich in Vitamin C, but pomelos also contain a great amount of insulin ingredients that are good for people with diabetes, not only to reduce blood sugar, but also to protect the heart's health. .

4. Guava fruit

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Guava is a fruit grown very much in Vietnam. This is a fruit containing high levels of Vitamin A, C, fiber, potassium, in addition to antioxidants such as carotene, lycopene . Helps you fight aging, prevent wrinkles on skin, dig discharging toxins from the body, promoting metabolism, regulating physiological functions, enhancing health.

More specifically, guava is a very good fruit for people with diabetes.

5. Cherry (Cherry)

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Cherry is the most nutritious fruit in red fruits. With high nutritional value, no sodium, no cholesterol, it is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure, low sugar levels, so those who are afraid of fat, or intend to lose weight can choose cherry to replace other fruits into your menu.

In particular, this is also considered a fruit for women, because it is always good for health and beauty. Cherry is also rich in pectin content - works to increase insulin secretion, quickly reducing and stabilizing blood sugar.

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