The atmadm command in Windows

The atmadm command tracks the connection and the address registered by the call manager on the ATM network.

Note: The atmadm command applies to: Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012.

The atmadm command keeps track of the connection and the address registered by the atM call Manager call manager on asynchronous transfer mode (atM) . You can use the atmadm command to display statistics for incoming and outgoing calls on the atM adapter. If used without parameters, atmadm will display statistics to monitor the status of active atM connections.


 atmadm [/ c] [/ a] [/ s] 


Parameter Description / c Displays call information for all current connections to atM network adapters installed on the computer. / a Displays the registered atM (NSAP) network service access address for each adapter installed in the computer. / s Display statistics to monitor the status of active ATM connections. /? Show help at the command prompt.


  1. The atmadm / c command produces the following result:
 Windows atM call Manager Statistics atM Connections on Interface: [009] Olicom atM 
PCI 155 Adapter Connection VPI / VCI remote address / Media Parameters (rates printed
bytes / sec) Print PMP SVC 0/193 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180020481A2E180B
Tx: UBR, Peak 0, Avg 0, MaxSdu 1516 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu 1516
Out PP SVC 0/192 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180020481A2E180B Tx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg
16953936, MaxSdu 1516 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu 1516 In PMP SVC 0/191
47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180020481A2E180B Tx: UBR, Peak 0, Avg 0, MaxSdu 1516 Rx: UBR, Peak
16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu 1516 Out PP SVC 0/190
47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180020481A2E180B Tx: UBR, Peak
16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu 1516 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu
1516 Print PP SVC 0/475 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180000C110081501 Tx: UBR, Peak
16953984, Avg 16953984, MaxSdu 9188 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu
9188 Out PMP SVC 0/194 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180000C110081501 (0)
Tx: UBR, Peak 16953984, Avg 16953984, MaxSdu 9180 Rx: UBR, Peak 0, Avg 0, MaxSdu 0
Out PP SVC 0/474 4700918100000000613E5BFE010000C110081500 Tx: UBR, Peak
16953984, Avg 16953984, MaxSdu 9188 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953984, Avg 16953984, MaxSdu
9188 In PMP SVC 0/195 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180000C110081500
Tx: UBR, Peak 0, Avg 0, MaxSdu 0 Rx: UBR, Peak 16953936, Avg 16953936, MaxSdu 9180

The following table contains descriptions of each element in the sample result of the atmadm / c command:

Data type Displayed on the screen Description Connection Information In / Out The direction of the call. In it, Print is an ATM network adapter from another device. Out is from atM adapter for another device.




Point-to-multipoint call

Point-to-point call

Connection set on a virtual circuit switch. PVC Connection set on a virtual circuit permanently. VPI / VCI Information VPI / VCI Virtual path and virtual channel of incoming or outgoing calls. remote address / Media Parameters



The NSAP address of the atM device is called (In) or called (Out). Tx

The parameter Tx includes the following three elements:

  1. Default or specified bit rate type (UBR, CBR, VBR or ABR).
  2. Default or specified flow rate.
  3. The SDU size is specified

The parameter Rx includes the following three elements:

  1. Default or specified bit rate type (UBR, CBR, VBR or ABR)
  2. Default or specified flow rate

  3. Service unit data size (SDU) is specified
  1. The atmadm / a command produces the following result:
 Windows atM call Manager Statistics atM addresses for Interface: [009] Olicom atM 
PCI 155 Adapter 47000580FFE1000000F21A2E180000C110081500
  1. The atmadm / s command produces results similar to the following:
 Windows atM call Manager Statistics atM call Manager statistics for Interface: [009] Olicom atM 
PCI 155 Adapter Current active calls = 4 Total successful Incoming calls = 1332 Total successful
Outgoing calls = 1297 Unsuccessful Incoming calls = 1 Unsuccessful Outgoing calls = 1
Đã đóng kết nối từ xa = 1302 Call Closed Locally = 1323 Signaling and ILMI Packets Sent = 33655
Signaling and ILMI Packets Received = 34989

The following table contains descriptions of each element in the sample result of the atmadm / s command:

Statistics call Manager Description Current active calls Calls that are currently active on the atM adapter are installed on the computer. Total successful Incoming calls Calls received successfully from other devices on the internet. Total successful Outgoing calls Calls completed successfully to other atM devices on the network from the computer. Unsuccessful Incoming calls Incoming calls are not connected to the computer. Unsuccessful Outgoing calls Outgoing calls cannot be connected to other devices on the network. calls Closed by remote Calls end a remote device on the network. calls Closed Locally Calls are terminated by the computer. Signaling and ILMI Packets Sent The number of integrated local management interface packages - the Integrated local management interface (ILMI) is sent to the switch that the computer is trying to connect to. Signaling and ILMI Packets Received The number of ILMI packets received from ATM switching.

For example

To display call information for all current connections, to the atM network adapter installed on the computer, enter:

 atmadm / c 

To display the network service access point address - Network service access point (NSAP) - registered atM for each adapter installed in the computer, enter:

 atmadm / a 

To display statistics to track the status of active atM connections, enter:

 atmadm / s 

See more:

  1. The assoc in Windows command
  2. Append command in Windows
  3. Auditpol command in Windows
Update 26 May 2019


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