Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

Historically, we have always noted that Thomas Edison was the greatest inventor except before, but even in his day there was an equally talented inventor. That is Nikola Tesla.

Historically, we have always noted that Thomas Edison was the greatest inventor except before, but even in his day there was an equally talented inventor. That is Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla (Serbian Kirin: Никола Тесла) was born on July 10, 1856 and died on January 7, 1943. He is an Serb American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Because of his eccentricity and strange and unbelievable statements about the development of science and technology, Tesla was isolated and considered a mad scientist at the end of his life.

Picture 1 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

During his lifetime, Tesla was known for his revolutionary contributions in the fields of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tesla's inventions and theoretical works made The basis of an alternating current generation system, including a multiphase and alternating current (AC), electric motor, radio, fluorescent, laser, magnetic controls far away, and countless other things.

His inventions are not always well received, because many of his inventions have extremely confusing things, such as a death ray with tremendous destructive power, and an impossible 'force wall'. breaking through, acting as a barrier against invaders. This invention so far is not sure whether it has ever been applied or not?

To understand more about him. Here will be little life biography Nikola Tesla will help you understand more about him and the eminent inventions ahead of time.

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Austria, ethnic Serb. Father is a priest, mother is a talented woman, she can create manual mechanical devices for home use. Mother Nikola loves poetry, has a good memory. Nikola believes she inherited the smart gene from her mother.

Picture 2 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

When he started going to University, he chose to study physics and mathematics as his favorite field to study, but after a while, the passion for the electricity industry rose in him, and now he decided switched completely to study electricity

He attended the Realschule School in 1873, the Polytechnic Institute of Science and Engineering in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. After graduating, he continued to bring his electric passion into work, taking an electrical engineer at a telephone company in Budapest in 1881.

On a beautiful day, while walking with a friend in the park, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​inventing an electric induction motor.

This electric induction motor was successfully built by him in 1883, when he was living in Strasbourg, France. This electric motor uses alternating current and supplies energy through electromagnetic induction.

However, this new product of yours is not being noticed by any investor in Europe. Unable to subdue difficulties, Tesla decided to find a new land to find new opportunities and where he came to America.

Picture 3 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

Tesla's childhood dream is to get hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls

In 1895, he built the first hydroelectric plant at this waterfall, reaching out to his childhood dream and setting a victory mark for alternating current. Later, a statue of Tesla was erected on Goat Island, located in the Niagara Falls area in memory of the great inventor.

One thing in common is that talented people are quite eccentric

Picture 4 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

In addition to the periodic inventions, Tesla's life is quite well established, at times, Tesla rejected all solid foods. He only uses honey, drinks milk and drinks a homemade vegetable solution from Achium and celery.

Never sleep more than two hours a day

Picture 5 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

Perhaps the insanity of a genius like Nikola comes partly from working with high intensity. The inventor declared that he never slept more than two hours a day. And the peak he worked 84 hours without rest. The work of research, experimentation, recording with electric currents, waves, machines kept on attracting him. He often stayed up all night, bright lights in the lab, and a strange sound was heard all the time, making the whole town wake up. The culmination was that the police also called to remind the Serb electric engineer to keep order.

Laboratory assistants say Nikola often experiences short, flickering sleeps and sometimes inventions arise in the dream of that strange person. Sometimes he was so exhausted, collapsed on his desk and slept.

In 1882, Tesla discovered the alternating magnetic field, the laws of physics that formed the basis for all alternating current flow devices.

Thanks to this rule, he created the induction motor. Thereby he showed how to create, transmit, distribute and use electric energy.

While studying at a lab in New Jersey, he and Edison had a lot of debate about what was the best type of current.

Picture 6 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

This debate occurs when two scientists make their own opinions. For Edison who likes to use direct current (direct current (DC), current flows only in one direction, Tesla tends to use alternating current (AC). The civil war between electric currents took place, and later on, Tesla was truly the winner when his alternating current was more efficient.

Shake hands with many industrialists, including George Westinghouse. Together, they set up an electric network across the United States

In 1888, Tesla wrote a classic analysis called 'A New System of Motor and Alternating Electric Transformer', in this article he introduced his new electrical system. Frankly, George Westinghouse was an industrial capitalist and scientific inventor, read his article and he was immediately attracted to the invention, from which the two shook hands. cooperating to bring electricity to the entire United States.

To this day, Tesla's alternating current current system is still considered a worldwide distribution standard.

Besides power, he invented the electric coil - a device that can be used extensively in radio, or TV and many other electrical devices.

Picture 7 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

In 1891, Tesla developed an electric coil that could generate alternating high current alternating current, today people take his name for the electric coil with the Tesla roll name.

He used it in lightning-making experiments, in making X-rays and finding ways to transmit energy without wires. Later, Tesla rolls became the basic technology in radio and TV. Currently, Tesla rolls are used extensively in education and entertainment - one can create music with Tesla rolls.

In 1869 Tesla registered a patent for the radio system

We often remember Guglielmo Marconi who had invented the radio and created a radio signal line crossing the Atlantic Ocean into 1901. But the person who created the foundation, the idea of ​​that radio was none other. is Tesla. Thanks to Tesla, Marconi could later invent the radio.

Tesla also dreamed of two fanciful dreams and was still a dream: a ray of death with the power to destroy people, and an impenetrable force wall to stop the advance of the invaders

And that is why the FBI closely tracks Nikola Tesla during his time working in the US. The incident was completely hidden from the curious eyes of public opinion, but they announced this fact in 2011, through 250 pages of classified files.

In it, we saw in 1943, when Tesla died, electrical engineer and military technology researcher John G. Trump carefully examined Tesla's inventions, ideas and reported back to the FBI.
John Trump reported: 'Tesla's ideas and efforts for at least the past 15 years are just personal, philosophical speculations and, in a way, just a way of polishing names, but does not contain a sample or method that works. '

Tesla never married, but once he claimed he loved a white dove

Picture 8 of Take a look at the life of Nikola Tesla one of the most prominent inventors in human history

In the final years of his life, Tesla spent his time nourishing pigeons, which were an essential part of the inventor's eyes. According to him, it was a beautiful bird, pure white fur with a little gray light shining in its wings.

The pigeon is very tangled with Tesla and when he calls it comes. Once when the white pigeons were sick, he spent many days in bed with him, taking care of the time when 'she' was well again. He believed firmly between him and the pigeon to understand each other. 'I love pigeons like a woman and she loves me.'

One day, when his dove flew to the window to report a terrible news, Tesla thought it tried to tell him that 'she' would die. The rays of light shot from the eyes of 'her' and the pigeons died.

Tesla is completely confused. In the last days, he went crazy, yearning for love and being in solitude, delusion in love with that pigeon.

Three days before his 87th birthday he was found dead in a hotel room in New York (USA), with little money in his pocket.

Update 24 May 2019


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