Inventions that help people have the power of superheroes

The inventions help people realize super abilities: stealth, see through objects, self-healing ...

Thanks to scientific advances, people are gradually becoming "mutants" possessing super powers as in fiction films. Together, we will review the inventions to help people realize the super abilities: invisibility, see through objects, self-healing .


Scientists are developing a special kind of meta-material that can bend light and darkness. It can help you not be able to see with the naked eye as well as the nautical scanner (sonar or ultrasonic navigation system) and radar.

Nowadays, modern robes developed only work if you are looking at objects from a particular direction. But with the new research on invisibility cloaks, scientists promise to further improve and help the wearer to completely invisible regardless of the viewing angle.

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It is possible that this technology will be equipped for the army or police to conduct raids on the criminal lair.

The creation of invisibility cloak received the support of many sci-fi film fans. However, according to experts, this invention does not bring any benefit to people's daily life. Even, they are worried that criminals will use them to do bad things.

Cross-object visibility

In 2011, the US Air Force funded a study that made it possible for us to see through concrete walls to monitor human movements on the other side.

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Observe any small movement into how many obstacles there are

Researchers at MIT have discovered that it is possible to use radio signals including wireless signals to track human movement and create images of objects across walls.

In recent years, this technology has been equipped for many developed countries' military. Thanks to this invention, we have successfully possessed Superman 's extremely useful ability.

New materials help people breathe underwater without breathing tubes

Professor Christine McKenzie and Dr. Jonas Sundberg, of the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacology at the University of Southern Denmark have synthesized a material capable of storing oxygen at a much higher concentration than with oxygen tank.

When oxygen has been absorbed, it can be stored in this material until it wants to release it by heating it slightly or for the material under low oxygen pressure.

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No need to carry a cumbersome breathing tube

This invention is useful, it can help divers someday leave oxygen tanks at home, just take this material away because it filters and concentrates oxygen from the air around the water. In particular, it also helps lung cancer patients who have to wear heavy breathing machines on their bodies .

Only a few particles contain enough oxygen for a person to breathe that material can absorb oxygen from the water around the divers and provide oxygen for them to breathe.

Super tiny chip helps people to heal themselves

The Electrical Prescriptions project is a military-funded program, developing ultra-small , smart, flexible devices that can be implanted into the body.

When in the body it uses electrical impulses to monitor the organs of the body and in particular it can cure the damage on the body instead of having to use the drug as before.

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Resilience like Wolverine

Even this device can be inserted into the brain for physical trauma as well as mental status such as post-traumatic depression.

Detailed information about this project has not been disclosed. It also received a lot of attention from the public about the results of this experiment

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The chip is the key to immortality?

Jet backpack helps to run faster

While it doesn't make you as fast as the Flash superhero in the " Lightning Hero " movie, with this tool it helps you run faster than any athlete in the world.

Arizona State University has developed a lightweight jet engine , keeping users still close to the ground, helping us to run faster and longer without fatigue.

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The first original was tested

The researchers made the first original name, 4 MM (meaning 4 minutes 1 mile) that allowed soldiers to run 4 minutes 1 mile even when carrying heavy equipment.

The research team promised that its future version could reach a higher speed, raising the speed of human movement to a new turning point.

Hand-padded pads help people to climb like Spider-Man

A team of Stanford researchers have developed a new way to help people climb spider-like walls using gaskets attached to them.

This pad is hexagonal and sized like a table tennis racket with 24 layers of adhesive. They then coated them with a layer of silicon rubber, the type of silicon commonly found in waterproof coatings like gecko toes.

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It helps you climb to any level

Like the gecko's feet, these layers are also made of ultra-small nanofibers , creating a large surface area that makes the pads strong enough to allow good adhesion on the surface glasses. At the same time, the flexible stretching unit on the rear helps spread the weight evenly.

This invention can be applied to make it easier for workers to clean the glass of large buildings.

Whether these abilities are useful in practice or not, it is also the first steps of humans in creating real supernatural powers by human intellect.

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