Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Google Vietnam is attacked, YouTube's most watched videos, celebrating the legendary birthday of Steve Jobs, 5 trends in photography technology ... are the most interesting news and tips of the week.

Google Vietnam is attacked, YouTube's most watched videos, celebrating the legendary birthday of Steve Jobs, 5 trends in photography technology . are the most interesting news and tips of the week.

1- Google Vietnam is attacked?

Picture 1 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

At noon yesterday February 23 (the 5th day of the Lunar New Year), many people visit the world's No. 1 search site, namely Google Vietnam ( domain name). notice this domain name was hacked by hacker group Lizard Squad.See details

2- The most watched videos on Youtube in the past 10 years

To celebrate the 10-year-old birthday of YouTube online video sharing service (February 2005 - February 2015), The Daily Conversation channel posted a video of nearly 16 minutes playing back the videos that were viewed a lot. most in the past 10 years.See details

3- February 24: Celebrating the legendary birthday of Steve Jobs

Picture 2 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, United States and adopted by American couple Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs. His biological father, Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian university student, was later a professor of political science. His biological mother was Joanne Simpson, an American college student who later became a linguist.See details

4- What to search for when Google 'dies'?

Picture 3 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Although the incident with Google yesterday was just a 'one-year-old' affair, but it shows that this is not necessarily a perfect machine and there are still potential risks. .See details

5- 5 photographic technology trends should be captured in the new year

Picture 4 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Consumer goods fair CES 2015 has passed quite a long time, but this year's fair marks a lot of steps to transform new technology. With thousands of new technology products introduced launched across many fields such as display, hand-wear, smart phone . And of course, photography is not outside that trend. According to what appeared at CES 2015, cameras, lenses, remote control aircraft, data storage and printing are trends that have many new positive achievements and these 5 trends are probably also is the main development trend in photography technology this year, 2015. See details

Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015 (continued)

6- Nomophobia - fear syndrome when there is no phone

Picture 5 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Smartphone, products created by people to serve their legitimate needs but with unreasonable usage, we turn ourselves into their slaves.See details

7- Facebook releases ad management application for iOS

Picture 6 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Facebook has just released a mobile application designed to let users manage ads on this social network right on their phones. The application called Facebook Ads Manager, first released for iOS, allows users to create and edit advertising templates, track the use of money for that ad, view the results, receive information Relevant newspapers and many other features.See details

8- Bkav silently develops Bchrome browser

Picture 7 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Quietly and quietly, Bkav recently launched a Bchrome browser, developed based on Google's Chromium open source project and added some new features, as well as some performance improvements. . Bchrome is currently only available for Windows and has been downloaded for free.See details

9- Applications will be preinstalled on Galaxy S6

Picture 8 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

Samsung is gradually changing both in terms of hardware and software, we have heard that Samsung will change some pre-installed applications to download option on Galaxy S6. Recently Sammobile news site has provided a list of pre-installed software on Galaxy S6.See details

10- Why do we often ignore browser security warnings?

Picture 9 of Summary of the hottest technology news of February 4, 2015

One of the things that makes many users feel uncomfortable when surfing the web is security alerts, which appear to websites with security errors. Many people consider this a nuisance, and often click the button to ignore these warnings.See details

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