Summary of data functions in Excel
In the previous articles introduced to you the groups of functions in Excel such as statistical functions, calculation functions, information functions . This article will summarize the functions and uses of each function in the data function group (Database funtions). ) in Excel. You follow the article below.
Summary of data functions in Excel Picture 1
DAVERAGE (database, field, criteria): Calculates the average of the values of a data field (column) in a list or database under the conditions that you give.
DCOUNT (database, field, criteria): Counts the number of cells containing the number of a data field (column) in a list or database under the conditions that you specify.
DCOUNTA (database, field, criteria): Counts non-empty (empty) cells of a data field (column) in a list or database under the conditions that you specify.
DGET (database, field, criteria): Extract a value from a column of data in a list or database that meets the conditions specified by you.
DMAX (database, field, criteria): The function returns the maximum value of a data field in a list or database under the conditions that you specify.
DMIN (database, field, criteria): The function returns the minimum value of a data field in a list or database under the conditions that you specify.
DPRODUCT (database, field, criteria): Multiply the values of a data field in a list or database according to the conditions that you specify.
DSTDEV (database, field, criteria): Estimate the standard deviation of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a data field of a list or database according to the conditions you specify.
DSTDEVP (database, field, criteria): The function calculates the standard deviation of a population based on an entire population by using the numbers in a list or database field with the conditions you specify. specified.
DSUM (database, field, criteria): Sum the numbers of a data field in a list or database according to conditions you specify.
DVAR (database, field, criteria): Estimate the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in the data field of a list or database that meet the conditions you specify.
DVARP (database, field, criteria): The function calculates the variance of a population based on an entire population based on a sample by using the numbers in the data field of a list or a database that meets the condition. that you specify.
GETPIVODATA (data_field, pivot_table, field1, item1, field2, item2, .): The function returns the data stored in the PivotTable report, you can use the GETPIVOTDATA function to retrieve summary data from the PivotTable report if That summary data is visible in the report.
Most data functions begin with the letter D and use three database, field and criteria arguments.
- database: is a series of cells that make up a list or database including data to be processed including field names (column titles).
- field: the field (column) of data used in the function. You can write text as the column name enclosed in quotation marks (eg "Age", "Salary"), the field can also be a number representing the position of the column (like 1 for the first column, 2 for the second column .) or you can enter the name of the cell directly containing the column header (A1, A5 .).
- criteria: is the range of cells that contain conditions, you can use any range for criteria but it must contain at least one column header and a cell below that contains conditions.
Now that you know the uses and syntax of each function in the data group in Excel, you can easily apply them as needed. Good luck!
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