Successful manufacture of new medical ink marks the goal of radiotherapy to treat skin cancer

A group of American scientists have successfully invented a new marking medical ink that helps treat skin cancer by radiotherapy.

A group of American scientists have successfully invented a new marking medical ink that helps treat skin cancer by radiotherapy.

Researchers Kai Chen, Gary S. Chuang, Hsian-Rong Tseng and colleagues said that for people with skin cancer , they were treated with radiotherapy in specific areas marked above. leather with familiar medical inks such as graphite ink, carbon ink, Indian ink or medical dye .

Picture 1 of Successful manufacture of new medical ink marks the goal of radiotherapy to treat skin cancer

However, the disadvantage of these marking inks is that after using the first wave of radiotherapy, under the action of a laser , some types of ink have disappeared completely and forced doctors repetition and mark again before the next radiotherapy.

In addition, there is a small possibility that these inks under the action of radiotherapy lasers infect, slightly damage the skin at that marker.

Picture 2 of Successful manufacture of new medical ink marks the goal of radiotherapy to treat skin cancer

So, to overcome this, the team created a new marker ink made from fluorescent super-molecular nanoparticles with a horizontal link of 465 nm. Under the impact of lasers and chemicals, the ink is unharmed, difficult to fade, as well as leaving no small wounds after radiotherapy.

Currently the ink has been successfully tested on rat skin after treatment, within three months, no visible fading marks as well as minor infections and lesions after the radiation therapy took place.

This research has just been published in the journal ACS Nano.

Update 24 May 2019


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