Successful genetic modification helps people not to be afraid of disease

US scientists have successfully modified and improved the genes of a fetus. That is, if nurtured, the fetus will develop into a fully theoretical baby.

US scientists have successfully modified and improved the genes of a fetus. That is, if nurtured, the fetus will develop into a fully theoretical baby.

  1. A human can be created from a laboratory, without eggs and sperm
  2. The mutant "Superman" gene runs 560km three days and three nights without sleep
  3. Special gene mutations turn people into "superheroes"

Experts from the Oregon University of Science and Health (OHSU - USA) use CRISPR technology to manipulate and alter genes in human embryos, helping to fight many genetic diseases. This is considered a major turning point in the history of human medicine.

CRISPR gene refinement method with the highest accuracy today, allows gene grafting at the DNA level, with high accuracy and fast speed.

Picture 1 of Successful genetic modification helps people not to be afraid of disease

In the future will children never get sick?

In the past, humans had intervened in human embryos at the embryonic level but failed. With this successful experiment it could become a breakthrough study.

Currently, some countries have issued a ban on the creation of "pre-designed" babies due to inappropriate moral categories. Therefore, the experts destroyed this fetus later.

This research is getting a lot of positive views from the scientific community. Because if you can eliminate pathogenic genes, humans will eliminate genetic diseases, including cancer.

Update 24 May 2019


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