Special gene mutations make people 'superhuman'

Do not break a bone when a terrible accident, muscle development, HIV virus immunity ... are the special abilities of humans due to genetic mutations.

Do not break a bone when a terrible accident, muscle development, HIV virus immunity . are the special abilities of humans due to genetic mutations. And only a few people in the world possess this superpower.

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The LRP5 gene mutation gives the skeleton a very dense bone

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Researchers have found that some people have a thicker bone structure than others. This special structure makes their bones virtually unbreakable and less prone to aging.

The reason is that they own a gene mutation called LRP5 - a gene that affects bone mineralization in humans.

The LRP5 mutation may even help their owners not break a bone if unfortunately suffered a terrible car accident. But they also cause their joints to wear away due to age and will have difficulty in treatment.

"Superman" eyes due to 4-color vision syndrome

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Normally, our eyes can distinguish 7 million colors. However, some people in the world can see invisible colors that ordinary people cannot see and distinguish 100 million colors.

The reason is that these people have 4-color vision syndrome (tetrachromacy) due to a type of gene mutation that affects retinal development.

The hDEC2 gene mutation helps to sleep only 4 hours a night and stay healthy

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An average person needs about 7-8 hours of sleep a day to ensure health. However, some people are born with the ability to only need 4 hours of sleep a day and remain completely healthy. This special ability is related to a small mutation in the name gene called DEC2.

Proteins that inhibit muscle growth help muscle growth

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Liam Hoekstra, a boy in Michigan State (USA), surprised the world by being able to get on the bar when he was 8 months old and climbing up and down the stairs at 9 months old. The reason why he has such extraordinary strength is related to a muscle growth-inhibiting protein called myostatin . This protein causes the muscles to grow too much, but this also means that the bodies of these special people have to consume a lot of energy to feed them. Every Liam sound must "refuel" once for your body.

The gene variant helps immunity to HIV virus infection

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Few people in the world are immune to HIV despite frequent contact with them. The reason is that their bodies have mutations in CCR5 gene called CCR5 - delta mutation 32 . This special thing only happens in 1% of people originating from Northern Europe, in which the Swedes have the highest rate, in other races the proportion of people with this gene variant is extremely low.

ACTN3 gene mutation for super speed

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Everyone owns a gene called ACTN3 , but only a few people have special variants that help the body make a special protein called alpha-actinin-3. This protein controls fast muscle fibers - white and healthy cells responsible for high-speed muscle contraction during sprinting or weightlifting.

In 2008, when studying sprint athletes and best-performing muscle-based sports, researchers found only very few athletes had negative variations of ACTN3. Meanwhile, 18% of our population has a complete deficiency of Alpha-actinin-3 proteins because it does not possess its positive variant.

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