Strange story: Tortoise attacks, doves pigeons in the blink of an eye!

We often consider turtles to be gentle and slow animals, but after watching videos of turtles attacking the pigeons at a very fast speed below, you'll definitely have a different view of them.

We often consider turtles to be gentle and slow animals, but after watching videos of turtles attacking the pigeons at a very fast speed below, you'll definitely have a different view of them.

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The video recorded a turtle slowly moving ashore and suddenly attacking nearby pigeons at dizzying speed, which made the pigeons quickly agile to react, recorded at the zoo in Porto Alegre, Brazil has surprised many people and relates to the quick attack of crocodiles.

Immediately after 'summarizing' the dove, the turtle quickly dumped it into the water to 'cup'.

Pigeon attack turtles are lightning fast.(Source: Youtube / fnordfromcruel.)

Not only did the pigeon hunt for food, in 2014 it was also possible to return to a turtle trying to drown a duck. It turned out that for a long time, we were fooled by turtles, they were not gentle but really scary.

The poor duck struggled when he drowned in the turtle.(Source: Daily Star.)

According to researchers, turtles as well as wild animals have changed their behavior to adapt to environmental changes on the San Marcos River in Texas, USA.

Therefore, besides some small turtles that eat plants and are quite harmless, some large-sized turtles can hunt birds or ducks, snakes, frogs . for food, and also for adapt when food is scarce.

Update 24 May 2019


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