Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

Did you know Stephen Hawking and 32 of the world's top physicists have signed a doctrinal protection letter about the origin of the universe? Let's find out!

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Did you know Stephen Hawking and 32 of the world's top physicists have signed a doctrinal protection letter about the origin of the universe? Let's find out!

For centuries, we have always wondered about the origin of the universe. However, things became " hot " when it became a debate that took place among cosmologists. This has stirred up the scientific community and the world's top 33 physicists have published a rather harsh letter to protect the main thesis of the hypothesis of the origin of the universe.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

The letter is a rebuttal to a paper published on Scientific American in early February. This paper has the theme of " Inflation Theory " written by three other space scientists. The idea of ​​Cosmic expansion is a description of how the universe expanded like a balloon after the Big Bang. However, the article of these three scientists suggests that this model " cannot be evaluated by scientific method ". This is like saying that the Expansion Universe hypothesis is without a scientific basis.

In response, 33 of the world's top physicists, including Stephen Hawking , Lisa Randall and Leonard Susskind , have countered by giving their own essay to Scientific American . And it seems they are really angry.

In 1980, Universe theory first expanded to the public by cosmologist Alan Guth , now a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT. This universe of expansion is based on the concept: a few moments after the Big Bang, the universe expanded quickly and dominated all galaxies according to quantum vibrations.

" When this process slows down, the quantum world is stretched very thin and smooth, creating the following solid particles to become galaxies, stars and planets, " Josuah Sokol wrote in The Alantic .

In later years, Gruth's idea of ​​the origin of the universe was accepted and applied widely by Stanford physicists, including Andrei Lind. From there, they devote their entire career to perfect definition of the cosmic expansion theory - a pioneering theory model that answers the question "How is the universe born? ".

Picture 2 of Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

In fact, most of us are taught about the theory of cosmic expansion at high school and university when discussing the origin of the universe.

Guth, Linde, David Kaiser and Yasunori Nomura are among the other 29 cosmologists who gathered after this rejection article was published.

Interestingly, one of the former colleagues of Guth and Linde, the physicist Paul Steinhardt, is one of three people who have rejected the theory of cosmic expansion. Guth, Linde and Steinhardt jointly received the prestigious Dirac award for " the development of the concept of expansion in the universe " in 2002.

However, in the following years, Steinhardt " turned away " and criticized the theory of very strong expansion. Steinhardt is one of the three authors of the article entitled " Pop goes the Universe " on Scientific American's Spotlight in February . The article is a collaboration between Steinhardt and Princeton physicist Anna Ijjas and astronomer Abraham Loeb from Harvard University.

Picture 3 of Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

This article emphasizes recent research on cosmic microwave background radiation - studies that go against the prediction of cosmic theory. Besides, the article argues that: " When the universe expands, it will create primitive gravitational waves, which until now no research has found ."

" Data show that cosmologists need to review the model and consider other ideas about the origin of the universe, " summarizing the brief section of the article.

This debate itself is nothing big - it's normal in the scientific community. But what makes Gruth, Linde and 31 other scientists really angry is that the above article says that the theory of expansion has not been tested in the first place, deducing the theory without science.

" They declared eloquently that the theory of Expansion Universe" could not be judged by the current scientific methods "and attacked those who believed in the theory of expanding universe. The article stated that those who believe in theory The expanding universe has ignored an extremely important concept in science: 'checking reality', thereby tolerating a kind of science that is only proved by experience and observation, not by means of Legal science, "33 scientists said in their letter.

" We do not know what these scientists are implying. We disagree with some conclusions in their writing, but in this letter, we will focus on refusing the conclusions. into examining the correctness and error of expansion theory . "

Picture 4 of Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

Physicists explain that expansion theory relies on too many models and it is impossible for all models to be correct. Over the past 37 years, several proven models are accurate, with testable predictions - such as the average density of the universe or the flat shape of the universe ; But there are still many models that have not been explained.

However, no matter what, all models are capable of being tested in the future, which means they have a scientific basis. Whether true or false, we will prove it depending on the evidence found in the coming years.

Ryan F. Mandelbaum also refuted the comments of three physicists in the spectacular original article on Gizmodo site and pointed to a Sean Carroll blog post, one of the physicists signed the letter, about the competition. argue:

" We value a theory by verifiable assumptions, not by assumptions that cannot be examined. Of course, there are important things that the expansion model cannot explain. But The appropriate response here should be to continue researching to solve those mysteries or to move on to research something else (which are choices depending on the individual scientist). Don't rush to assert that That theory is unfounded and has no scientific basis ".

The author of the original article released a FAQ - frequently asked questions to answer later. They remain the same - the theory of Expansion Universe has been able to verify but this theory " when it was published in the 80s with the aim of making accurate judgments, has become an impossible theory. make any accurate predictions ".

Picture 5 of Stephen Hawking and 32 leading physicists signed a letter to protect the doctrine of the origin of the universe

This brings us back to the starting point . some cosmologists have publicly rejected the theory that the Universe is expanding. Meanwhile, a few others are extremely angry against those opinions.

Unfortunately, we have no way to clearly solve this problem when both sides are quite certain. Both sides agree that the Universe theory is not exactly correct . Perhaps we should take a closer look at the origin of the universe when new data appears.

According to Alan Guth about the outcome of this controversy: " I think we keep going back to the study ." Our understanding is still too narrow before this vast vast universe, maybe one day we will rewrite the whole physics, change what the dozen know about the world and this universe.

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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