Scwcmd register command in Windows

Applies to: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

(Applies to: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012)

The Scwcmd register command helps to expand or customize the Security Configuration Database of the Security Configuration Database (SCW) by registering the Security Configuration Database file containing definitions. about roles, tasks, services or ports.For a better understanding of how to use this command, see the example section below.

Syntax of the Scwcmd register command

 scwcmd register / kbname: [/ kbfile:] [/ kb:] [/ d] 

The Scwcmd register command parameter



/ kbname:

Specify the name by which the Security Configuration Database extension will be registered.

/ kbfile:

Specify the path and name of the Security Configuration Database file to be used to expand or customize the base Security Configuration Database.To verify that the Security Configuration Database file complies with the SCW schema, use the% Windir% securityKBRegistrationInfo.xsd schema definition file.This option must be provided unless the / d parameter is specified.

/ kb:

Specifying the path to the folder containing the SCW security configuration database files will be updated.If this option is not specified, file% Windir% securitymsscwkbs will be used by default.

/ d

Unsubscribe an extension of Security Configuration Database from the security configuration database.The unregistered extension will be specified by the / kbname parameter (do not specify the parameter / kbfile).Database configuration security to unsubscribe from the extension specified by the parameter / kb.


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An explanation of the Scwcmd register command

Scwcmd.exe will only be available on computers running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003.

Example of the Scwcmd register command

To register the Security Configuration Database file named SCWKBForMyApp.xml under the name MyApp in the location kbserverkb, type:

 scwcmd register /kbfile:d:SCWKBForMyApp.xml / kbname: MyApp / kb: kbserverkb 

To unsubscribe from the Security Configuration Database file named MyApp located at kbserverkb, type:

 scwcmd register / d / kbname: MyApp / kb: kbserverkb 

See more:

  1. Instructions for installing Windows Server 2012 step by step
  2. Install Windows Server 2008
  3. Learn about Windows Server 2012 (Part 1)
  4. Learn about the Windows Registry - Part I
Update 26 May 2019


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