Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

Besides the love of love, there are also about friendship and friends that young people often seek. Because those who love friendship sometimes help you rock your two-sided friends profoundly on social networks.

Friends are people who are always beside us, accompanying us in life. If you have a confidant friend who really has nothing to be worth as much. In the midst of this complex life, you are good, but the less you are, the more bad you are. These bad friends are hard to recognize, because they always seem honest, but behind them are people who always go harm, envy you. When discovering such two-sided friends, sometimes speaking straight in front of them is not a good idea. If bad friends use social networks, why don't you use the status (stt) about your friends, the status of friendship to "kick" them. Surely when you say it will be quite quite startling when reading the stt and quality about this profound friendship.

In order to have the most realistic feelings about the friendship of young people today, we have put up on personal Facebook pages, where young people have the most proficient cursing status sentences on Facebook collected right next to them. below to send to you, the stt that scolds you for playing bad is true for a society and the so-called 'close friends'.

  1. "Eight people who are unresponsive" - ​​8 people should join and 9 types of people should not socialize
  2. 10 types of people you should avoid as far as possible in your life

Picture 1 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

1. Never deceive others. Because the people you cheat are the ones who trust you!

2. Not just friends

In life, there are many miserable children labeled their friends.

3. Play with you wholeheartedly - You play all pink again.

Bad people are many - People know less.

If you want to face - I'm ready to face.

If you want to be ignorant - I'm ready to show it.

You remember: The torn money is still valid

The torn character is just a junk!

Picture 2 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

4. Why don't you call you when you eat and play?

When the tribulation keeps calling you .

Whenever you play, you can see

The tribulation call you, you can't see it.

5. Difficult parents raise us .

Friends who play 'bad' make us wise.

6. Never care about the bad guys behind you. Because their position is there . forever behind you.

7. In the trading category . Selling friends is the most disgusting thing!

8. Finding a close friend is not difficult

But important is dogs or people.

Picture 3 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

9. Friends are barely enough to use

Don't leave the whole box

Then fell into the same road

The last minute he went to worship.

10. I change labels, change labels

Yes, I'm different

Yes, I'm pale

And now I play Evil

Because: Life is pale - You are junk

So I'm also Evil and Other!

11. I have my own way of life

Not perfect is not too good.

But Tao is Tao . and not FAKE like us.

I'm just afraid of anyone who treats Tao so well. I don't repay it

But with Tao, Tao doubles.

Picture 4 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

12. Immerse yourself in the best without words

'Quiet people think about this life'

'A lot of good things, so interesting' See for yourself 'tri century' mixed in front of you.

'Silent! The scorn I scooped up your brain '


Picture 5 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

13. Yes, lest: But I know what

More than those who say much

Without shame.

14. Yes, you are .

You have the right to rain!

So it is not difficult to evolve into a DOG.

Take the curtain to "flag"!

Perform a lot of tricks!

15. Bad voices Tao rang the name, but all of you rumored.

You are a fast-sounding speaker, gathering dogs to bark

16. Social change color

Being a human is so difficult but being a dog is easy.

Life must think

Life is complicated, socially chen!

Living poor, living hard but not living DOG.

Already exists in 2-foot form!

Don't behave in a 4-legged manner.

Picture 6 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

17. Sorry for the pretty face that intelligence doesn't have.

The personality is distorted, do you like to be a dog?

18. Your family also scooped up, your good friend also flipped.

Don't think so, substance, change animals!

19. At rich times, friendship is like Korean love.

When miserable, you are invisible.

Picture 7 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

20. Gold with dollars racing against each other,

Where did your face turn up, you cheeky?

21. Still in that shape, the dog is still intact .

Oh the crazy dog ​​still lives .

22. I can hire people to beat Dog

Don't let the Dog have a chance to bite me, you're an example.

23. If you ask forever, you will not be like a river when you are full

Wearing river at full time. Everyone's network keeps friends behind.

Picture 8 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

24. The life afterwards is more like each other on the paper

Now you are better than me and wait for tomorrow!

25. When having money, where is it hard to laugh? Then when I ran out of money I saw my friends all the dogs talking in human language!

26. You emerge from time. Sorry, but your life is nothing .

27. True meaning from you.

Is not adding words counter.

And don't shoot bullets behind your back.

28. Don't expect me to call you Friend

While you're wrecking behind me

Maybe you are better than me in the colors.

But it is not better than me at the head.

You don't need acting.

Because your face is too fake.

Picture 9 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

29. Twisting someone, don't twist me

Already a clam dog, don't be too tall

Adventure also collapses, e

Feeling able to fill up is always enthusiastic

Do you think I'm so bored?

30. Yes! then you cover up

Yes! then your body is beautiful . Yes! then you can .

But . in my eyes you are just a pendulum .

Picture 10 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

31. Society changes the throne, people change their minds

Being honest is disdainful

False living is honored

I never regret giving anyone anything

Because those things belong to me

Unlike some outside people who seem to be tall

But silently rob things of others!

That kind of people I only consider garbage

Pedal under your feet! There is no need .

31. The life of comedy, everyone will buy me a role.

Not a deer is a wild dog.

32. Say 2 words 'FRIENDS' you don't feel embarrassed

Are you living like a dog?

Don't look at ordinary people, but follow them .

I really recommend it.

33. The society is now a person who eats and lives on each other

There is no such thing as fairness when hands are empty

I live for tomorrow, because the future is not for anyone.

I did not accidentally nor mindless

Play, I know how to live my life

But don't go outside and have a good time.

Picture 11 of Saying things, status is about friends who are very deep, very absorbed

34. Dare to speak ill and stand in front of me. I still admire.

Saying badly behind me, sorry I don't care. Not enough bravery to make a mortgage.

35. The feeling of being inhibited when I thought my friend was very good, came to a long time to realize that he considered me as a sponsor for every breakfast and going out.

36. There are children .

Never eat food .

Sleep is never waiting .

Talk to me like punching in the face .

Sitting together, not hiding, nor wearing masks .

Talk comfortably, without restraint, throw gynecology into each other's face rumbling .


When I need it, call one of the sentences and they will form a platoon in front of me .

When I cried, they were willing to spend money to buy cheering paper to cry and then sit down and cry with .

Because they are - BFF! (Best friend forever).

37. Be careful with giving bad words to others. Because most likely he will speak badly to you one day.

38. Never cheat on your friends. Because this is simply people who have trusted you very much.

39. I don't expect to have too many friends, but it's fine to be kind to each other.

40. Scared! Those who are always smiling but 9/10 are fake.

41. Do you hate me very much? Sorry, I like you too.

42. In the trading category, selling friends is the most disgusting category.

43. When you eat and play anywhere, you will see, when you are in trouble, you will not see it.

Hopefully, the above article has helped you to have an overview of many questions about friendship, stt about friends for reference. Remember, the above-mentioned questions about friends can be used to sarcastic, profound and profound attacks on bad friends. Sometimes, there is no need to "Three-sided words" with those friends, just one stt about friendship for someone to read that they have seen "cold". And if you want to run out of stress, the best stt and above sentences will help you relieve stress extremely effectively!

Update 24 May 2019


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