Lend money but are afraid of being ... sunt, tell your 'debtor' these things ...

Lending money and losing both money and you are no longer strange in this life, but listen to this monk show you how to borrow money without losing words.

Lending money and losing both money and you are no longer strange in this life , but listen to this monk show you how to borrow money without losing words.

In this life, even if you want it, sometimes you will be asked to borrow money. And denial is extremely difficult, but there are people who even though you know that the loan will be lost, will not be pleased at all.

So how to lend money to borrowers to self-pay debt?

According to the teachings of a high-ranking person, there is a way that you can refuse to lend money without losing the borrower. That is to tell them these things:

In this life, the most difficult thing is debt

Stand in the position of the borrower and remember this: People who give you loans or help when you are in trouble are extremely precious people, especially in society now, people just know to live for me

So, meeting someone who is willing to help you in difficult times must always remember, cherish your whole life.

The person who lends money to you when you need it is not necessarily a good person, but because of the meaning, people are willing to help the host at a difficult time.

Lend money but are afraid of being ... sunt, tell your 'debtor' these things ... Picture 1Lend money but are afraid of being ... sunt, tell your 'debtor' these things ... Picture 1

The item you borrow is not simply money, it is a trust, a precious heart of the lender to you.

Take that as the driving force to invest properly in the future, do not think rich people lend me a few dongs, there is nothing to spend wasted, not calculated.

Once unbelievable times , do not ever owe money no matter how difficult you are.

Because of this, not only did it lose the good and graceful salary, but it also kicked itself into the mud.

Emotional friends are precious things , finding people who are willing to help us when difficulties are even more valuable.

Lend money but are afraid of being ... sunt, tell your 'debtor' these things ... Picture 2Lend money but are afraid of being ... sunt, tell your 'debtor' these things ... Picture 2

Not only cherish those who give us money, or help us when miserable, but in this life, please keep in mind the following:

  1. When a ruckus leads to controversy on the side, the person who apologizes first is not necessarily wrong, but because they value the relationship more than their personal ego.
  2. People who always spend the hard part of the collective work do not necessarily want to show off to be foolish or choose a heavy job but they are very responsible to the collective, want to reduce the burden on everyone.
  3. You do business together when you give more benefits to us, not necessarily idiots who do not know how to calculate but it is people who share.
  4. People who actively pay for appointments are not necessarily money-savvy, but because they appreciate the sincerity for the employer higher than money.
  5. People who are always there to help us when it is difficult are because they love and trust us, do not think they are in debt or their duty, but take it lightly.
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