13 wonderful quotes about love to 'define' a true friendship

Read 13 great quotes about love to define a true friendship in the following article!
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Nobody will care about how many friends you have on Facebook. The number of friends cannot make you feel happy. What makes you connect with people you don't trust?

Friendship is a precious thing that if it lacks, life is tasteless. Although not as complicated and romantic as love, friendship is really something to be respected and respected. However, not all of us can understand how to make lasting friendships. Here are 13 valuable quotes about love that help you understand more about the meaning of true friendship . Invite you to read!

1. "You are a person who knows all about us and always loves us." - Elbert Hubbard

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A close friend will always be by our side, never judge and always support whatever happens. They are people who know everything about you, including the deepest and " evil " secrets, but they still accept and always love you. If you still have a question about whether or not to tell your friend your secrets, consider carefully to make a right choice.

2. "It is better to be hated and to live the right nature, than to be loved but to live artificially." - André Gide

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True friendship cannot be built on the basis of lies. Hiding the truth to convince people to love you reflects the lack of self-confidence. Why do you have to live a lie to please someone when he or she never accepts your true self? What benefits do you have for you? There are so many people around who can make friends why just that person? Be true to yourself, there will be people who take the initiative to come to become good friends and live sincerely with you.

3. "Every kind of love in the world, but there will never be the same love." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

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A true friendship will no longer exist, especially if the other person is the mirror image of the other person. Or in a simple way, you play with someone who just wants to find an image or fill an empty space of an old friend. So don't expect it, it's just a useless effort and makes you more time-consuming.

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4. "Love is simply someone who gives you a sense of beauty that you've never seen before . things deep down in you." - Mama Zara

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Friendship cannot exist when in the atmosphere of negativity. They will give you all the energy as well as inspiration without a bit of fear, that is true friendship.

5. "Love will remove the mask, but we fear that we will not be able to live without it and know that we cannot live with it." - James Baldwin

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Sincere friendship cannot grow without straightforward, clear sides. If you have called " a friend " then why can't you reveal your secrets to that person and vice versa? Why do you have to spend time with that person?

6. "I don't just want to be loved, but also want to be told that I'm in love." - George Eliot

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A true friendship will not develop without mutual encouragement . People who do not appreciate and appreciate you are not worthy of being your friend. Friends are an indispensable source of encouragement, both showing interest and connecting relationships.

Give someone something and don't expect that person to give me something else. Friendship is also the same, please give sincere sayings so that the bond between people and people is getting shorter and shorter. Once there is an " imbalance " of goodness at both, it's time to have a difficult conversation.

7. "I am selfish, impatient and slightly careless. I often make mistakes, lack of control and sometimes have no control over me. But if you can't stand me when I'm the worst, of course you too not worthy when i am the best. " - Marilyn Monroe

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Friendship cannot be maintained well when both don't understand and forgive each other.No one was born perfect, everyone has their own faults and mistakes.And the important thing here is that we have to forgive when necessary, to say sincere apologies when making mistakes.

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8. "I am a mirror. If you are good to me, I will be good to you and the exchange between us begins. The things you see reflect your personality. If you don't like what you see , so you did something that's not right. If I'm not friendly, it's because you're not friendly. " - Jay Z

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Sincere friendship cannot exist when both do not accept each other's shortcomings . Before judging that person is cold, indifferent to you for no reason at all, review your recent behavior and words. Most people will not change their emotions unexpectedly without a good reason.

9. "Immerse yourself in a moment of love by someone who gives you strength and loves passionately who helps you to be brave." - Lao Tzu

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True friendship will not be solid if you are not ready to invest honestly in that relationship. Love will become a great gift when equality exists in parallel with faith and friendship.

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10. "Always give each other a smile when you meet, because the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa

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" A smile with ten tonic scales ". Why don't we smile so hard before starting the conversation. You will not be able to find true friendship if you want everyone to be cold to you. A great smile not only helps you make an impression, but it also creates a strong sympathy for your best friend, making this special relationship tighter!

11. "Immature love says:" I love you because I need you. "Mature love says:" I need you because I love you. "- Erich Fromm

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True friendship cannot consider everything as your own. See a friend as if they were part of your existence, without thinking that they also have a private life besides you. Sometimes they refuse to hang out with friends, not that they don't want to, they're simply tired after a long, hard day. Learn carefully the reason before making a decision, do not rush to judge and ponder the reason and sympathize for your friend.

12. "The best thing to keep in life is to help each other." - Audrey Hepburn

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Friendship cannot really serve you if you don't seek support when you need it. The risk of vulnerability will help you reduce the burden you carry and a simple hug will be softer than a thousand words. Friends are places where we relieve stress, confide our feelings, so choose a suitable person for life to become more meaningful.

13. "Love people, trust some people, don't offend anyone." - William Shakespeare

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Not everyone we meet can make friends and get acquainted . Although it would be good to love someone without knowing the reason, it's silly to assume that everyone will care about your feelings. Don't be afraid to open your heart, choose a worthy, trustworthy person to reveal secret secrets. Then you do not need to offend anyone, right?

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Having fun!

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