Push operation in HTML
Jerry modifies the previous commits using the git commit -a operation (signing changes) and he is ready to push the changes. Push operation saves permanent data to Git repository. After a successful push operation, other programmers can observe Jerry's changes.
Jerry modifies the previous commits using the git commit -a operation (signing changes) and he is ready to push the changes. Push operation saves permanent data to Git repository. After a successful push operation, other programmers can observe Jerry's changes.
He executes the git log command to observe commit details.
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ git log
The above command will produce the result:
commit d1e19d316224cddc437e3ed34ec3c931ad803958
Author: Jerry Mouse
Date: Wed Sep 11 08:05:26 2013 +0530
Changed return type of my_strlen to size_t
Before performing the push operation, he wants to review his changes, so he uses the git log command to browse the changes.
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ git show d1e19d316224cddc437e3ed34ec3c931ad803958
The above command will produce the result:
commit d1e19d316224cddc437e3ed34ec3c931ad803958
Author: Jerry Mouse
Date: Wed Sep 11 08:05:26 2013 +0530
Changed return type of my_strlen to size_t
diff --git a / string.cb / string.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000.7da2992
--- / dev / null
+++ b / string.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ # include
+ size_t my_strlen (char * s)
char * p = s;
while (* p)
+ ++ p;
+ return (p -s);
+ int main (void)
+ int i;
+ char * s [] =
+ "Git tutorials",
+ "Tutorials Point"
for (i = 0; i <2; ++ i)
printf ("string lenght of% s =% lun", s [i], my_strlen (s [i]));
return 0;
Jerry is happy with his changes and is ready to push these changes.
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ git push origin master
The above command will produce the following result:
Counting objects: 4, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 517 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To gituser@git.server.com: project.git
19ae206.d1e19d3 master -> master
Jerry's changes have been successfully pushed to the repository; Now other programmers can observe these changes by performing simulation or update operations.
According to Tutorialspoint
Previous article: Commit in Git
Next article: Update activity in Git
You should read it
- Commit in Git
- Command at in Windows
- 20+ essential Linux security commands
- Stash operation in Git
- How to use the command history function in Command Prompt
- 10 useful commands in Windows you should know
- Del command in Windows
- Set command in Windows
- All cmd and dos commands on Windows
- How to use Xcopy command in Command Prompt
- Diskshadow command in Windows
- How to use the option equivalent to the 'ls' command in Windows
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