Photoshop CS: Creativity with new year cards Picture 1
In case you don't see this toolbar: Click Windown > Tools
There are many different New Year greeting cards. I will not be able to introduce all the way of making postcards, because your imagination and creativity are the most beautiful and unique postcards. Follow me with these exercises, then combine different shapes or add a few more fun details to create a unique character in your postcard.
Okay, now we start the exercise.
Part I. Card background
1. Open a new document : File > New (or press the key combination: Ctrl + N )> set the size: 500px x 300px, the background is white (#ffffff), Name: Thiep_01
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2. Copy the original layer
As with the Tools tool, the Layers palette usually appears when you start photoshop. If you do not see the palette, click Window> layers
- When opening a new document. The first layer will be the default "layer background".
- To create a new layer just like the original original layer: Click Layer > view > layer via copy or press the key combination ( ctrl + j )
- Now the new layer will have the default name "layer 1". Double click on "layer 1" and rename this layer "Greenen".
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3. Pour the color .
With each one, you can choose your own unique background color. In this exercise, I will guide you to choose specific colors to make it easier to visualize the color scheme when designing.
- On the Layer Palette > right click the "Greenen" layer and choose Blending options
- In the layer style table
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- When you click on the Gradient color box to select the color again, a Gradient Editor dialog box appears, select the color for the background as follows:
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- Change colors for points.
- The result will be the following background color:
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4. Background decoration .
To prevent you from feeling distracted when using too many layers on a design document, I will separate the part that creates the light into a small part. Surely you will be easier to imagine.
I don't know if you still remember the brush and how to create the brush I gave you in the previous exercises. You can review this lesson section to learn more about the brush, (spiritual path) or practice again with me how to create a light ray brush.
4.1. First, pause the design of this postcard background. Open a new document, 100px by 100px, so the white Background (#ffffff), Name: Tia_sang
- Press D: Switch to default foreground mode - background (Black - white)
- Press X: Reverse the foreground color mode - the background (White - Black)
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- Press Ctrl + Backspace -> Change the current background layer color to black.
- Select the Brush Tool
- On the Option Brush tool
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- Add a new layer: Click Layer > New > Layer . (or press the key combination: Ctrl + Shift + N ). Now this new layer is called "Layer 1".
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- Use the Croshatch brush , Click once to add new layer 1.
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- Copy layer 1:
- Rotate "layer 1 copy" image
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- Combine 2 "layer 1 copy" and "layer 1" as one
4.2. So the design of the light beam has been completed. Now the more important step is to learn how to drag "light ray" image on document "Tia_sang" to document "thiep_01"
- Drag the picture
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- Click on the light ray image (layer 1) on document Tia_sang
Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to document Thiep_01
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4.5. Now let's skip document beam_sang, we just need to focus on Documen thiep_01. And continue to improve the remaining tools
- After dragging layer 1: light rays to document Thiep_01.
The Layre palette will now be:
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- Rename Layer 1: Tia comes
- Layer management: The purpose of this action is to help you group layers with the same nature, characteristics, and types, linking these layers in the same folde for easy management.
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A layer: has a folder icon: set 1 appears above the "rays" layer, Change the name of this set to: "Tap hop to"
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- Multiply the "light ray" layer several times and move some "ray to copy" layers into the appropriate locations
- Use Ctrl + T : Minimize some layers "rays to copy", or adjust the opecity of some layers to make the card background more impressive.
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This is an example of my result.
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So the design of a card is finished. Don't forget to save this document to design for the following lesson: File > Save
To name:
+ File name: Thiep_01
+ Format: Photoshop (*. Psd, * .pdd)
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