Photoshop CS: Creativity with New Year's greeting card (Part III)

Have you practiced good ground and ball design for this Tet card? Do you encounter any difficulties? Don't be discouraged when you encounter any difficult steps. The result of labor when you create a postcard yourself is the greatest joy

Part I
Part II

Have you practiced good ground and ball design for this Tet card? Do you encounter any difficulties? Don't be discouraged when you encounter any difficult steps. The result of labor when you create a postcard yourself is the greatest joy you give to your loved one.

Now we continue to practice the next part. Start photoshop, document "Thiep_01" and start the work.

Part IV: Bottle of champagne (champagne)

1. Open a new document

- Name: sam banh

- Size: 300px x 400px

- White background (#ffffff)

2. Managing layers:

- Create a new set, name the set: "Sam ball"

3. Add new layer: Name: Vo bottle

4. Activate the ruler. View > Rulers (or Ctrl + R )

Photoshop CS: Creativity with New Year's greeting card (Part III) Picture 1Photoshop CS: Creativity with New Year's greeting card (Part III) Picture 1

5. Move the mouse pointer to the ruler line> Left mouse button> Move the cursor to the document> at this point a blue line (ruler) will appear on the documment.
You place the correct lines according to the dimensions as shown below

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6. Using the Rectangle tool (shown below) draw a rectangle on the document background

Photoshop CS: Creativity with New Year's greeting card (Part III) Picture 3Photoshop CS: Creativity with New Year's greeting card (Part III) Picture 3

Notice how to set the top and bottom of the image when hovering the right way.

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7 In the Tools menu, select the Add Anchor Point Tool by clicking on the small triangle in the Pen tool

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8. Add points to some positions on the rectangle as follows (note the extra points for equal weight on both sides)

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9. Move the add points to shape the bottle: Click on each point, hold and hover the points to match the following positions:

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10. Press Ctrl + Enter -> select image

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11. If you see a slightly messy ruler: click View > Etras (or Ctrl + H ) to remove the lines.

12. Set the color to cover the bottle

- Click on the bottom background square ( Set background color ) on the tools bar, and select any color. Here I choose green

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- Press Ctrl + Backspace to fill the color for the bottle shape, with the color you selected

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- On the Layer palette > right click> choose Blending option .

In the Layer style dialog box, set the properties as follows:

  1. Gradient overlay

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  1. Inner Glow

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You will get the champagne bottle cover as follows.

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13. Add new layer: name: "Nhan ruou"

14. Using the Rectengle tool draw a rectangle in the middle of the bottle

15. Using the Add Anchor Point Tool, add 2 symmetrical points on the 2 sides of the rectangle, drag the 2 points to add the following image.

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16. Ctrl + Enter > Ctrl + Backpasce to fill any color for the "layer" layer, for example

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17. Simultaneously press Ctrl + Click the layer "crumple". A broken line will surround the bottle

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18. Reverse selection: Select > inverse (or Ctrl + shift + I )

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19. Press the Delete key to delete the currently selected zone

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20. Adjust the Gradient overlay and Inner Glow for the "texture" layer as follows.

  1. Gradient overlay

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  1. Inner Glow

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21. Add a new layer, name the layer: "Cut"

- Do the 11-18 operation again to get the "Giay" layer as shown below.

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22. Decorate wine labels.

- Add a new layer, name "decoration page"

- Press Ctrl + click the "ruou" layer on the layer palette at the same time.

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- Use the Brush tool with any brush strokes you like and paint on the "makeup" layer, of course your strokes will only cover the selected path.

This is an example of me.

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23. Draw the bottle mouth

- Add a new layer, name the layer "Mieng bottle"

- Using the Elliptical marquee tool , draw an ellipse to create a mold for the bottle mouth

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- Fill the "mouth bottle" layer with green color # 0CB808

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- On the layers palette: Right-click the "bottle" layer> Blending options

In the Layer style dialog box> set Inner Glow with the following properties:

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Finally finished the sam ball bottle

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24. Ok, now you continue to "drag" the entire "Sam ball" set to the "Thiep_01" documnet.

- Certainly the height of the bottle sam banh is now beyond the "Thiep_01" frame. Reduce it by:

  1. Edit > Free transform (or Ctrl + T )
  2. Press the Shift key and drag any corner of the selection to minimize the image to match the card background

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- Rotate the bottle tilt 1 corner about 30-45 degrees

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- Press Enter to finish the last operation.

25. Now, let's do a few operations you know, to get the position for the bottle of wine on the card is reasonable. Here is an example

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My lesson today will end here. Don't forget to save the document "Thiep_01" and practice the operations I've introduced to prepare the "glass" design, complete the new year postcard in the next lesson.

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