Operating Rename in Git
So far, both Tom and Jerry are using manual commands to compile their projects. Now, Jerry decided to create a Makefile for the project and also put a name for the file string.c.
So far, both Tom and Jerry are using manual commands to compile their projects. Now, Jerry decided to create a Makefile for the project and also put a name for the "string.c" file.
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ pwd
/ home / jerry / jerry_repo / project
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ ls
[jerry @ CentOS project] $ cd src /
[jerry @ CentOS src] $ git add Makefile
[jerry @ CentOS src] $ git mv string.c string_operations.c
[jerry @ CentOS src] $ git status -s
A Makefile
R string.c -> string_operations.c
Git is pointing R before the file name to indicate that the file has been renamed.
For commit operations, Jerry uses the -a extension, which makes git commit automatically find modified files.
[jerry @ CentOS src] $ git commit -a -m 'Added Makefile and renamed strings.c to
string_operations.c '
[master 94f7b26] Added Makefile and renamed strings.c to string_operations.c
1 files changed, 0 insertions (+), 0 deletions (-)
create mode 100644 src / Makefile
rename src / {string.c => string_operations.c} (100%)
After committing, he pushes his changes to the repository.
[jerry @ CentOS src] $ git push origin master
The above command will produce the following result:
Counting objects: 6, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 396 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To gituser@git.server.com: project.git
7d9ea97.94f7b26 master -> master
Now, other programmers can observe changes by updating their local repository.
According to Tutorialspoint
Previous article: Online Repository in Git
Next post: Delete activity in Git
You should read it
- Delete operation in Git
- Online Repository in Git
- Clone activity in Git
- Create activity in Git
- How to Use Deploy Keys on Github
- How to Import a Repository on Github
- What is GitHub? Overview of GitHub
- Push operation in HTML
- How to Clone a Repository on Github
- Microsoft's private GitHub repository was hacked
- Snapchat source code is revealed on GitHub
- Update activity in Git
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