Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Noxus TFT season 9 has increased health, physical damage and AP according to each champion milestone. This buff is not the first time it has appeared in DTCL season 9, but it is increased by 10% for each different opponent that Noxus conquers or defeats.

Like Ionia DTCL season 9, Noxus has a full set of champions that deal damage and resist in each stage. The biggest difference is probably that Noxus does not have a 4-gold main force, you can complete your team better with just Darius or Katarina or both for a strong mid-game carry. Anyway, you will need a few suggestions below to complete Noxus in a stronger way.

Noxus TFT season 9 champions

Noxian champions receive additional health, AP and physical damage, increasing by 10% for each different opponent that the Noxian champion has conquered or died in the last battle.

  1. 3 Noxus: 175 health, 15 AP and 15% AD
  2. 6 Noxus: 375 health, 30 AP and 30% AD
  3. 9 Noxus: 550 health, 55 AP and 55% AD

Picture 1 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Cassiopeia - Noxus, Shurima, Wizard - 1 gold

  1. Skill: Deals magic damage to the current target and causes them to suffer wound effects for 5 seconds. If they are already injured, she deals additional magic damage. Wounds: Reduces the amount of health recovered by 50%.

Samira – Noxus, Challenger - 1 gold

  1. Skill: Shoots at the current target and deals damage to the first enemy hit. Also Reduces their Armor.

Kled – Noxus, Yordle, Butcher - 2 gold


  1. Passive: Begins combat with Shield. Once the shield is broken, Kled dismounts and gains bonus attack speed for the remainder of the battle.
  2. Active: Remount and gain Shield. 4-star upgrade: Kill enemies below 20% Health.

Swain – Noxus, Strategist, Mage - 2 gold

  1. Skill: Transform and gain maximum health for 8 seconds. While transformed, deals magic damage to enemies within 2 cells per second.

Darius – Noxus, Destruction - 3 gold

  1. Skill: Deals physical damage to the current target. If they die, immediately recast the skill for 81/85/89% reduced damage.

Katarina – Noxus, Assassin - 3 gold

  1. Skill: Throws three daggers that stick down next to the enemy within two spaces. Then, teleport to each champion to deal magic damage to nearby enemy champions and damage them for 6 seconds. Damage: Reduces the healing effect received by 50%.

Sion – Noxus, Gladiator - 5 gold


  1. Passive: After death, respawns with 100% health, decreasing at 7/5/0% max health every second. Sion can no longer cast spells, but is relieved of all control effects and gains attack speed.
  2. Active: Attacks most enemies within a few adjacent tiles. Damages any enemies in its path and stuns them for 1.5/2/15 seconds.

Picture 2 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Noxus balances tank and attack champions from early to mid game. Samira, Cassiopeia and Katarina deal damage, Swain and Kled are resistant at the beginning, especially Darius can both tank and deal damage so he will be a main force next to Katarina in the middle of the game.

As for Sion, you can add him at the end and remove a low-cost Noxus champion that you find ineffective at the end of the game. Sion not only deals damage but also stuns him, and he cannot be controlled if he has died once before. So Sion will be the last card you need in the Noxus team.

Gear up for Noxus champions in Truth Arena season 9

Equipment DTCL season 9 will reserve magic items for Katarina and Cassiopeia, Cass will help carry items for Katarina, both need items such as Training Gloves, Tears, Oversized Sticks, and Silver Cloak. The complete equipment needed for both can be Gemstone Gloves, Hand of Justice, Tears, Shojin Spear, Hextech Gun Sword, Lightning Crossbow. You can also throw these equipment to Swain, he can receive additional Piercing Hammer to deal better damage.

Physical damage or skill support items will be available for Samira, Kled and Darius, including a number of items such as Blue Bow, Colossal Power, Strong Hand, Infinity Sword, Rage Bow, Death Sword, Crazy Knife.

As for Sion, he probably only needs tank items, or skill support items like Hand of Justice and Piercing Hammer. Resistant items such as Fire Armor, Thorn Armor, Pendant of Atonement, Blood Armor, Stone Armor Beast.

Picture 3 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Build Noxus season 9 TFT, play Noxus DTCL season 9

Early game

It's simple, like many strong DTCL squads that are just starting to build at the beginning of the game. With 4 generals, choose 2 generals that deal damage and 2 generals that resist. You can choose Swain to stand with Kled but you can choose Warwick to have more Challenge for Samira and Warwick to deal damage faster.

Picture 4 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Between game

Get 6 Noxus or you can keep 3 Noxus and add other champions to add buffs. Or go to 6 Noxus as shown below and start saving money to roll for Katarina and Darius if you intend to roll one of these two generals to 3 at level 7, or you can roll for both.

Picture 5 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

End of game

6 Noxus

This will be the last team you aim for. If you use the slowroll direction for Katarina and Darius at level 7, you may not need Sion to complete the team. In addition, you can roll both Swain and other Noxians to 3 stars if you have the opportunity.

Picture 6 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Or you can change to the team below if you see Sion appear more often. Surely he also wants to appear in the team to "knock" all the enemy champions. If you don't save money to roll for Katarina with Darius, level up to level 8 early to increase your odds of getting to Sion.

Picture 7 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

Coming up with a more difficult plan, if you can get the Noxus seal (Golden Shovel + Giant Belt), then Aatrox is the most suitable champion to give him, Aatrox has increased health, AP and physical damage will help him deal damage. better yet, Aatrox can also revive from his allies. And he can stand in any formation, so Aatrox is the most suitable choice to combine. Leveling up to 4 Butcher will increase Aatrox's lifesteal and damage if possible.

Picture 8 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

3 Noxus

Another squad that you can aim for is below. This squad actually does not lean toward Noxus like the squads above but will have many different clans and generals in its squad. Having more Freljord will help the team have more control for Aatrox, Urgot and 3 Noxus generals to deal damage. You should only start this squad if you have a lot of money, and have at least 3-star Katarina or Darius.

Picture 9 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

9 Noxus

9 Noxus only happens when the player has the buff activated and presses Noxus and just stops at level 8. Aatrox definitely holds the Noxus seal, and you also need a lot of money to get to 8 quickly to meet Sion and activate 9 Noxus.

At this point, you will have all buffs removed, leaving only 9 Noxus and Destruction and Butcher, but your health, AP and physical damage will be increased more. Enough so that you don't need to trigger additional buffs thanks to other champions.

Picture 10 of Noxus DTCL: How to build, instructions for playing Noxus season 9 TFT

In general, Noxus has many directions because it can be combined with many different clans. You can use slowroll to get 2 3-star carries or level 8 quickly to get Sion and turn him into a late-game carry.

Noxus only has one drawback: it doesn't have a 4-gold carry like other clans, so at the end of the game it only focuses on Sion. Hopefully in season 9.5, there will be Draven, Riven, Talon or Vladimir appearing to carry the 4 gold champion, because usually the main force at the end of the game will be 4 gold, sometimes 5 gold is just an extra carry.

Update 10 June 2024


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