Tribe information and new generals Arena of the Legs Pre-season 2020
An update to many of the Tribes and the new champion Arena of Truth in the 2020 season is complete and may give gamers a lot more powerful DTCL squad. This is considered to be the largest update ever of the Arena of Truth.
Let's take a look at the new DTCL-generals and Races in the Pre-Season 2020 period under the name of the Elemental Era and see which generals and Fathers and features will be included in this update.
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- New feature Hexagonal Element (Elemental Hexes) DTCL
- New Tribe of Truth arena Tien 2020 season
- New system Arena Truth Money season 2020
- The new champion is the Truth Arena in the 2020 season
- Chess 1 gold
- Chess 2 Gold
- Chess 3 Gold
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New feature Hexagonal Element (Elemental Hexes) DTCL

This feature will display 2 more random elemental boxes on the ring, gamers can place generals on these elemental boxes to receive elemental buffs. Elemental buffs will occupy one weapon box, so champions placed here will not be able to wear full 3 equipment. Specifically, the elemental buff will be as follows:
- Buff Ocean (Water): plus 30 mana
- Buff Inferno (Fire): plus 30% attack speed
- Buff Wind (Wind): plus 30% to avoid
- Buff Mountain (Earth): plus 30 health per round
New Tribe of Truth arena Tien 2020 season

- Desert: Increases 50/90% (2/4 Desert) of armor
- Inferno: Burns the ground for 5 seconds and deals 80/150/250% of magic damage over time.
- Poison: If you kill an enemy, this general will receive 50% more mana.
- Machine: When the HP is below 50%, the Machine clan gains immunity to damage for 2/3/4 seconds (2/3/4 Machine).
- Berserks: Runs to the nearest enemy and has a 40/60% chance (3/6) to slash enemies and deal 100% AOE damage.
- Ocean: All champions receive an additional 10/25/40 mana every 3 seconds.
- Shadow: No information yet
- Light: No information yet
- Woodlands: At the beginning of the round, a random Woodland clan will create 1 more 1-star version of that champion (3 Woodland).
- Lightning: Shock nearby enemies when Lightning damage deals 60/200/500 (2/3/4 Lightning) or deals fatal damage.
- Mountain : At the beginning of the match, a random ally in the team will receive a Stone Shield with 1500 HP (2 Mountain).
- Variable: Random clan changes in the game, including Wind, Inferno, Ocean or Woodland.
New system Arena Truth Money season 2020
Tribe information and new generals Arena of the Legs Pre-season 2020 Picture 14
- Summoner: No information available
- Mystic: No information yet
- Mage: After using a spell, Mage has a chance of 50/100% (3/6) to increase the chances of casting.
- Master: Increases health + adds extended units
- Alchemist: Move continuously and don't touch (go through)
- Warden: Total Warden Armor increased by 100/250/400 (2/4/6)
- Assassin: Increases critical chance of critical strike by 75/150% and increases critical damage to 10/20% (3/6).
- Forest: At the beginning of the round, a random Forest General will double himself (3).
- Druid: No information available.
- Blademaster: Blademaster will be increased by 40% for the number of attacks 1/2/3 (2/4/6)
- Rangers: Get a 30/65/100% chance (2/4/6) to double attack speed for the next 3 seconds.
- Berserker: Leaps to the nearest enemy and has a 40/80% chance (3/6) to separate enemies and deal 100% AOE damage.
- Predator: Any attack that Predator inflicts on enemies below 25% HP will destroy them immediately.
The new champion is the Truth Arena in the 2020 season
Chess 1 gold

- Vladimir (Ocean, Mage): Vladimir deals damage to enemies and can heal himself
- Zyra (Inferno, ???): Summon 2 Flame Spitters in the corner of the arena, they cannot be targeted and they will attack the nearest enemies.
- Nasus (Light, Warden): When angry, Nasus will gain additional health and deal more damage to nearby enemies over time.
- Ivern (Woodlands, Druid): Supports the lowest health champion with a 200/400/600 HP shield that lasts for 5 seconds.
- Renekton (Desert, Berserker): Renekton swings his sword and deals physical damage 150/275/400 to nearby enemies and recovers 150/250/350 health when hit.
- Maokai (Woodlands, Druid): After being attacked by an enemy skill. Maokai's next attack will heal himself 100/200/300 health for himself.
- Ornn (Lightning, Warden): Unleashes a lightning bolt in a cone, dealing magic damage over a wide area with 100/200/300 damage to all enemies hit and 20% increased chance of critically attacking in 4 seconds .
- Taliyah (Mountain, Mage): Attack from the ground up and target the enemy with the most mana, and deal magic damage 150/325/500 and throw the enemy at her (if the enemy is a long-range shot) or Throw enemies away (if the enemy is melee).
- Vayne (Light, Ranger): When Vayne attacks the same target with its basic attack, the damage will increase gradually by a percentage of 8/12/16% of the target's maximum health.
- Warwick (Glacial, Predator): Warwick will attack the enemy with the lowest blood, stun and deal damage and also heal yourself.
- Kog'Maw (Poison, Predator): Shoots a bullet and it will select a random enemy that deals 125/275/425 damage
Chess 2 Gold

- Syndra (Ocean, Mage): Summons a Sphere Hydro at the location of an enemy and deals damage.
- Diana (Inferno, Assassin): Creates three orbs around herself and explodes when she attacks an enemy. Deals magic damage 60/100/140, in addition to creating a shield for 3 seconds and this shield will absorb 150/250/350 the next damage she receives.
- LeBlanc (Woodlands, Mage, Assassin): Launches an electric current at a random enemy, dealing damage 200/450/700 and stunning them for 1.5 seconds after a short amount of time.
- Braum (Glacial, Warden): Braum brings his shield towards the farthest enemy, reducing the damage received from it and blocking any damage fired.
- Jax (Light, Berserker): Evades damage for 2 seconds, then attacks nearby enemies and deals 150/250/350 damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.
- Thresh (Ocean, Warden): Throws his lantern to the lowest- healthed allies, shielding them and nearby champions for a few seconds.
- Yasuo (Wind, Blademaster): Attack the enemy with the most items for 1 second and hit the target 3/5/7 times.
- Varus (Inferno, Ranger): Uses his magic for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow dealing magic damage 225/450/675 to all enemies along the way.
- Rek'Sai (Steel, Predator): Deal 200/550/900 damage to targets.
- Malzahar (Shadow, Summoner): No information yet.
- Skarner (Crystal, Predator): No information yet.
Chess 3 Gold

- Veigar (Shadow, Mage): Veigar blows away enemies with magic power, disperses damage and destroys enemies at lower star levels than himself.
- Kindred (Shadow, Inferno, Ranger): Wolf rushes into Kindred's target and deals magic damage 150/325/500 while the Sheep jumps off the target.
- Azir (Desert, Summoner): Summons a Sand soldier for 6 seconds, whenever Azir attacks, the sandman will attack with him. Both will deal damage to a single champion.
- Aatrox (Light, Blademaster): Strikes an area in front of you and deals damage to all enemies in that area.
- Dr. Mundo (Poison, Berserker): Creates a poison cloud around you for 8 seconds and it deals 40/110/160 + 1.25% of Mundo's maximum power to all enemies every second and heals Mundo 100/150 / 200% of that value.
- Nocturne (Machine, Assassin): Every 3rd attack or more, Nocturne will gain more power and damage to all surrounding enemies. Also restores 75/100/125% of the damage dealt to him.
- Ezreal (Glacial, Ranger): Fires an icy bullet at the enemy with the most "paper" blood and applies a continuous attack effect.
- Nautilus (Ocean, Warden): Launches a deep attack on the farthest enemy, knocking and stunning for a long time.
- Sivir (Desert, Blademaster): During the first 5 seconds, Sivir's attack will automatically bounce 10 times in a row. Each bout will deal 100/125/150% damage and apply a continuous attack effect.
- Qiyana (Variable, Assassin): Rushes towards your target and unleashes a blast of wind that deals damage through that enemy and stuns them while passing.
- Soraka (Lightning, Mystic): No information yet
Chess 4 Gold

- Annie (Inferno, Summoner): Summon Tibbers to deal damage in the area, Tibbers can deal lots of magic damage with his attacks.
- Twitch (Poison, Ranger): For 8 seconds, Twitch has unlimited range and will deal 100/125/150% physical damage. All of Twitch's attacks will pierce the target and apply a continuous attack effect to each target.
- Kha'Zix (Desert, Assassin): Stealth and attack enemies with the lowest health after 2 / 1.5 / 1 second, automatically dealing critical damage and restoring 5/10/15 mana.
- Janna (Wind, Mystic): Janna creates a wind that lasts 3 seconds. Heals allies for 30/40/80% of their maximum health and stuns the nearest enemy for 1 second.
- Malphite (Mountain, Warden): Approaches a random enemy unit and deals 125/200/275 damage and knocks nearby enemies into the air, stunning them for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds.
- Ashe (Crystal, Ranger): In 5 seconds, Ashe will increase 50/75/100% attack speed. While fighting, her basic attacks will fire a 5-arrows physical damage 50/85/120%
Chess 5 Gold

- Singed (Poison, Alchemist): Leave a trail of poison wherever you set foot, dealing 400/800/1200 damage for 4 seconds.
- Zed (Electric, Assassin, Summoner): Zed creates a clone behind his target. This clone will also contain the item Zed is currently equipped with and both Zed's current attributes and HP.
- Taric (Crystal, Warden) : After a bit of delay, Taric and his nearest teammates will become invulnerable within seconds.
- Nami (Ocean, Mystic): Nami creates a big wave towards a random enemy, dealing damage and knocking that enemy away. Also grants magic damage immunity to all allies within range.
- Master Yi (Shadow, Mystic, Blademaster): Heals 25/50/75% health and will not be targeted for 1.5 seconds. Master Yi will then receive magic damage 100/150/200% for 6 seconds.
New equipment
Warden's Mail: The equipped person will also be a Warden
Above is some information about generals, Tribe
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