New battery technology - Expectations are too far away

It is expected to take at least 10 years to replace alternative energy sources for batteries for laptops, mobile phones and MP3 players ... newly appeared on the market.

It is expected to take at least 10 years to replace alternative energy sources for batteries for laptops, mobile phones and MP3 players . newly appeared on the market.

This means that concerns about the explosion of current batteries will continue to last for many years.

Sony, Matsushita Electric Industrial Corp, Hitachi, Toshiba and MTI Micro Fuel Cells are companies trying to develop a new type of fuel cell product. According to these companies, the new fuel cell line will produce electricity thanks to an external oil supply instead of the existing internal storage.

Picture 1 of New battery technology - Expectations are too far away

Dell's recalled battery

At the same time a new requirement for these firms is to create a more energy efficient battery to meet the development and energy 'thirst' of consumer appliance products. For example, laptops previously used only for text editing are now used to perform more tasks such as video calling, website hosting, interactive games or a whole view. High-resolution film with a row of hours, watching TV on mobile phones .

' In the near future it will be difficult to get a battery that meets the requirements such as light, small, long time use and relatively safe ,' said NPD Groups Stenphen Baker analyst. determined.

Battery technology currently in common use is lithium-ion technology. This is a technology that is only considered to be relatively safe after a series of incidents of laptop manufacturers such as Dell or Apple have to recall this type of battery because they can overheat causing explosion.

New intestine of old shell

Developers are currently working hard to create a new line of batteries that is more efficient for devices of the 21st century by the same battery technology that has been used for decades.

In the past, there have been some companies conducting research and improvement of the above 'traditional' technology, making the products more safe and effective. Valence Technology, for example, switched to chemicals that are less flammable in lithium-ion batteries. Or batteries of Altair Nanotechnologies can charge more times than traditional lithium-ion battery batteries.

However, analysts say such improvements have not yet met the needs of today's products.

Fuel cells are the most promising technology with the ability to provide 10 times more energy than traditional batteries. However, to put this battery into commercial production, it will take many more years for testing.

' The next step is definitely fuel cells ,' said Gartner researcher Tim Tully. ' In the next 5 to 10 years, fuel cells will become a built-in component and replace traditional batteries .'

Hoang Dung

Update 25 May 2019


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