New Alliance against spyware

Five major computer security companies are working together to build a common spyware naming system and will jointly produce dangerous software removal tools.

Picture 1 of New Alliance against spyware
Five major computer security companies are working together to build a common spyware naming system and will jointly produce dangerous software removal tools.

The initiative of ICSA Labs, McAfee, Symantec, Thompson Cyber ​​Security Labs and Trend Micro was launched in the hope of eliminating the current troubles because antivirus companies often put their own spyware names and design room programs. fight with different methods.

"There is still a lot of confusion about the nature of spyware and the effectiveness of tools that kill them," said Larry Bridwell, an ICSA Labs expert.

Initially, the new organization will introduce measures to help people identify and remove spyware on the system. Later, they hope to create programs to help users avoid falling into the spyware trap.

The group said the collaboration is essential because the number of spyware has increased every year by 50-100%. In recent years, high-tech crime groups, advertising agencies, and many other malicious people are using evil tricks to install exploration software on user computers. Some of these annoying programs infiltrate the PC via e-mail attachments, while others hide behind popular software like peer-to-peer file sharing systems and automatically install them on the system if the victim is disabled. I visited a web site that was previously trapped.

The five companies' announcement came just days after the Stop Badware campaign of Google, Sun Microsystems, Internet center Berkman and Oxford Internet Institute was born.

Update 26 May 2019


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