100 years what will human life be like?

People will have a better life, more modern and more comfortable after 100 years from now. According to experts, advanced technology will help people have a better life in the future.

People will have a better life, more modern and more comfortable after 100 years from now. According to experts, advanced technology will help people have a better life in the future.

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100 years what will human life be like? Picture 1100 years what will human life be like? Picture 1
With the development of technology, things that seem to appear only in sci-fi movies today will probably serve you in the near future.(Photo: PA).

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100 years later, people do not have to clear their luggage to go on vacation, but can bring our house along thanks to the giant plane.(Photo: PA).

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Next to the skyscrapers, we will have "buildings" in the opposite direction, the buildings will be dug deep into the underground and undersea cities.(Photo: PA).

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The ocean currents are blocked, separating water, turning into oxygen for humans to breathe and hydrogen as fuel for power generation plants in undersea cities.Underground "buildings" reach the Earth's core to take advantage of the available geothermal energy.(Photo: PA).

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Food will be produced by 3D printers to reduce costs when printed food corresponds to demand.

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3D printing houses are built according to a computer algorithm program through a series of unmanned aircraft.They can even fold easily and transport by unmanned aircraft to another location.(Photo: Internet).

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100 years from now, humans not only have vacations on Earth but also fly into space, visiting relatives on the Moon and Mars.(Photo: PA).

100 years what will human life be like? Picture 8100 years what will human life be like? Picture 8
Human health is taken care of comprehensively.Each household is equipped with a medical scanner to detect illness or injury.Genetic modification technology allows control of human biological characteristics and evolution.(Artwork: Internet).

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We have superior abilities thanks to future technology that helps people and machines unify.(Photo: Internet).

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