• Click the appropriate option to insert Cell (cell), Row (line) or Column (column)
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 1
To delete cells, rows and columns:
• Place the cursor in the cell, row or column you want to delete
• Click the Delete button on the Cells group of the Home tab
• Click the appropriate option to delete: Cell, Row, or Column
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 2
To find data or find and replace data:
• Click the Find & Select button on the Editing group of the Home tab, or press the Excel shortcut key combination + F
• Select Find or Replace
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 3
• The Find and Replace dialog box appears, enter the word you want to find in the Find What section (if you choose Find in the previous step) or enter the word you want to find in the Find What section and the replacement word in the Replace with section (if you select Replace at step on).
• Click the Options button to find more options
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 4
The Go To command will take you to a specific cell by referring to the cell (first column and line number) or cell name
• Click the Find & Select button on the Editing group of the Home tab
• Click Go To
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 5
To check for spelling errors
• On the Review tab, click the Spelling button
MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 5: Edit Worksheet Picture 6
This tool will help you check the spelling of the content in the whole Worksheet
Next lesson: MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 6: Calculation in Excel
Previous article: MS Excel 2007 - Lesson 4: Working with data