If you have reinstalled or updated NoxPlayer but still have errors, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Right-click This PC if you use Windows 8, 10 or My Computer in an older version of Windows operating system. Select Properties.
How to fix NoxPlayer Has Stopped Working error Picture 1
Step 2: Click on Advanced system settings in the left function list.
How to fix NoxPlayer Has Stopped Working error Picture 2
Step 3: In the new window, select the Advanced tab and click the Settings button in the Performance section.
How to fix NoxPlayer Has Stopped Working error Picture 3
Step 4: Continue to select the Advanced tab and click the Change button.
How to fix NoxPlayer Has Stopped Working error Picture 4
Step 5: Next, uncheck the box Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers.
Tick Custom size and make customizations as follows:
After entering, you press the Set button and press OK .
How to fix NoxPlayer Has Stopped Working error Picture 5
Finally, restart your device for the changes to take effect.
Recently, Tipsmake has finished guiding your child in 5 simple steps to fix the Nox Player Has Stopped Working error that appears during use, providing a better experience. In addition to performing when encountering an error, if the NoxPlayer tool runs slower than usual, you can also refer to and perform this trick to speed up effectively.