Millions of devices running Android 4.1.1 may have the bug 'Heart bleeding'

Android Jelly Bean 4.1.1 operating system may stick with Heartbleed bug, the update will be released in the near future.

Android Jelly Bean 4.1.1 operating system may stick with Heartbleed bug, the update will be released in the near future.

Picture 1 of Millions of devices running Android 4.1.1 may have the bug 'Heart bleeding'

Error Heartbleed became the focus of deliberation over the last time when it posed a great threat to users, especially e-commerce payments. A lot of big websites, error-free banking services make the risk of disclosing customer information higher than ever. However, not only does it affect web-based services, this error can occur with devices using Google's Android operating system.

As noted by Google on Heartbleed error on Wednesday, devices using Android Jelly Bean 4.1.1 version may have Heartbleed errors. Google also added that the patch will be released shortly.

With the characteristic of an open mobile operating system, it is difficult to determine how many devices are using Android 4.1.1, we only have a general statistic for the number of devices using Android Jelly Bean is 34.4 % The latest version of Jelly Bean is 4.1.2 released in October 2012.

A Googel spokesman confirmed to Bloomberg that there are " millions " of devices running Android 4.1.1 on the market.

Because every Android update is distributed by phone manufacturers, it is difficult to determine which devices will receive patches and the exact number of devices in a dangerous situation. We can only be sure that Google " labeling " devices such as Nexus and Google Edition machines will receive this patch.

Earlier, the biggest rival of Android iOS was Apple confirmed that the operating system is completely stable and no trouble with the above error Heartbleed.

Update 25 May 2019


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