Microsoft fixes asynchronous messages on Skype chat service
Skype service encountered many annoying bugs recently: lost messages, asynchronous chat content, users were "bombed" with old messages .
Microsoft has expressed its ambition to turn Skype into one of its most important products. The company has forced Windows Live Messenger users to switch to Skype nearly 1 year ago. However, that does not mean that the experience on Skype is perfect. This service encountered many annoying bugs: lost messages, asynchronous chat content .
You can chat normally with your friends on your computer, but when you switch to Skype on your phone or tablet, the chat content is not synchronized; or a Skype mobile application error "bombs" you with outdated messages. Luckily, those bad Skype errors will be fixed by Microsoft in today's patch.
Microsoft fixes asynchronous messages on Skype chat service Picture 1
"We know that users are having difficulty syncing chat content when they use Skype on multiple devices," Microsoft admitted. "Microsoft has actively fixed this error, as well as added new features to improve Skype" . In recent weeks, the company has updated the Skype application on iOS, Android, Windows, and Windows Phone. Skype application has been redesigned to improve push notifications, as well as the ability to synchronize chat content when using Skype on a variety of platforms.
With Microsoft updates, as long as you are installing and using the latest version of Skype, sync errors and "bombs" error messages that notify old messages will no longer exist. However, an error message even though it was sent to one device continues to display on another device, it still exists."In the future, the next fix will help you only receive notifications on the device you are using (active). Also, you can sync your favorite contacts list" - Microsoft said know.
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